
Saturday, December 23, 2023

Really Strange UFO Encounters: Twelve True Cases

Really Strange UFO Encounters:
Twelve True Cases

Each UFO case, whether a simple sighting or an onboard UFO encounter, adds to our knowledge of the UFO phenomenon and provides another piece to solving the UFO mystery. One of the most fascinating aspects of UFOs is that they behave in weird ways. This video presents 12 very strange encounters that show the high strangeness of ET contact. The cases come from all over the world and provide strong evidence of UFO reality.

“IT SEEMED TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IT WANTED TO DO.” Aug 20, 1955 was a windy day as two men stood on the dock of Kenora Bay in Ontario, Canada. Suddenly, a saucer zoomed over the water, seeming to study the men. But then it moved to the nearby hospital, and seemed to inspect that, before suddenly darting away.

THE UFO THAT LISTENED. On Sep 3, 1955, Frank Flaig and his wife Ruth drove along Boomer Rd in Cincinnati, OH, when a small silver sphere descended to the ground. Frank stopped the car and went over to investigate. But his wife Ruth became concerned for his safety and called out to him. Amazingly, the UFO seemed to react to her voice and darted off.

THE THIRSTY UFO. In Jul 1965, John Hambling was working with another man in the wilderness north of Hazelton, Canada when they saw a UFO swoop down over a small alpine lake. The craft sent a cylinder down to the surface and began to suck up the water. They were able to take several photos before the craft darted off. Was it there for the water? Or was there another reason?

“WE WANT TO WATCH FLYING SAUCERS.” One night in Aug 1967, 12-year-old, Leif told his parents that he and his friends were camping in the front yard of their home in Duncan, Canada, to watch for flying saucers. His parents were amused. But later, Leif rushed to the window to announce that the UFOs had arrived. His parents rushed outside and saw the UFOs themselves.

UFO INSPECTS FARMHOUSE. On Feb 19, 1968, Martha Heggs was alone with her two children in her farmhouse in Bengough, Canada when she heard a piercing noise. Looking outside, she saw a flying saucer hovering over the power-pole. As her dog cowered in fear and the cows ran for safety, the saucer closely inspected each area of the farm. It was the strangest 20 minutes of Martha’s life.

UFO LANDS AT WASHINGTON DC. At 6am on Oct 24, 1968, a paperboy was making his rounds in Bethesda, Maryland when he saw a landed UFO in Fort Bayard Park, along the border of Washington DC. He watched it for about three minutes when it suddenly flew away, leaving a burnt circle of grass. The case would soon generate interest at high levels of govt.

PANIC AT THE POOL. In Oct of 1968, tourists were enjoying themselves in the pool at Sulphur Mountain Resort in Banff, Canada. Suddenly, a UFO appeared over nearby Mt Rundle and everyone stopped to watch. Then the UFO swooped down at high speed beside the pool, causing complete panic. Some people were injured and a few went into clinical shock.

SPEEDWAY DRIVER’S ORDEAL BY UFO. Early on Apr 13, 1971, racecar driver, Geoff Richards and his wife drove along a remote highway outside of Brunswick, South Australia when a UFO swooped down and buzzed their car. But then it returned and zoomed towards their car, playing a game of chicken, not once or twice but several times.

THE 15-TON CRAFT. One night in May 1971, Angela Rajh saw an odd glow near her home in Stara Cerkev, Yugoslavia. Going to investigate, she saw that the glow was a landed flying saucer. She raced home, only to learn that her mother saw the UFO. Also, her neighbors saw the craft on the ground and walked up to it. Later they found some very odd landing traces.

UFO BLOCKADE ON MPUSHINI BRIDGE. On the evening of July 22, 1972, two gentleman were driving through Ashburton, South Africa when they came upon a UFO sitting in the middle of the road on the Mpushini Bridge. Unable to pass, they had no choice but to stop. The UFO took off a short time later and they called the police, who saw it too.

UFO TAKES OVER TRUCK. On Jul 18, 1976, the sheriff’s office near Gravel Switch, Kentucky was flooded with calls from people reporting UFOs. The UFO flew around for hours. One lady said it chased her car. But the strangest call came from two witnesses who said the UFO came down over their truck and took control of the vehicle.

MISSING TIME ON THE TOILET. On the night of Mar 13, 1979, Mr. WP went to visit the pub near his home in Alverthorpe, England. Strangely, however, he found himself taken the wrong route. Unexpectedly he came upon a UFO which chased him across the field. Suddenly he found himself standing in the public restroom next to the pub with no idea how he got there.

These twelve cases show how any encounter can provide profound insights into UFO behavior. Only by examining all the cases will we discover the alien agenda and the reasons for the extraterrestrial presence on our planet. And there is no shortage of cases! The truth is coming out. We are being visited.

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