
Saturday, December 02, 2023

The Experiencers: Five Cases of Onboard UFO Encounters

The Experiencers:
Five Cases of Onboard UFO Encounters

Onboard UFO Encounters! These cases are the heart of the UFO phenomenon. Almost everything we know about ET contact comes from the people who have been inside UFOs. These are the most extensive and interesting of all UFO encounters. This video presents five fascinating firsthand cases involving people from across the world who have been onboard a UFO and interacted with aliens.

MUST HAVE WATER! One evening in the Spring of 1951, an anonymous engineer, HM, drove near the Drakenstein Mountain in Paarl, South Africa when a man flagged his car down. “Have you any water?” he asked. HM said no, but agreed to drive the man to a nearby stream and get some water. The man then asked HM to drive back up the road. To HM’s shock, they came upon a landed flying saucer. The man invited HM inside the craft, where he saw four other men. The man said that they needed water to cure an injured companion. They agreed to answer any questions HM might have. HM asked how the ETs power their craft. He asked where they came from, and they pointed to the stars, but refused to be more specific. HM was ushered off the craft. Returning the next day, he was amazed to find weird landing traces.

TAKEN IN ITAPERUNA. On the night of Sep 25, 1971, Paulo Caetano DaSilva was driving through Itaperuna, Brazil when a saucer-shaped craft chased his car down the road. He went to the police station and told them what happened. He then returned on his journey, only to have the saucer land on the road and stall his car. Three little men exited and pulled Paulo onboard where he was examined. Paulo fell unconscious and the next thing he knew, he was being set down next to his car. Paulo was shocked and disoriented, and his eyes were very sore. He went to the police and told them what happened. To his shock, another man, Benedito Miranda, reported an encounter on the same night, and people throughout the area saw UFOs. Little did Paulo know that his encounters had only begun. The ETs would soon return, this time with a profound message.

OWYHEE RIVER ENCOUNTER. One day in the Summer of 1975, a married couple, Darryl and Toni were on vacation near the Owyhee River in Oregon. They stopped by the road when they saw what they thought was a plane in the sky, except it was silent. Upon returning home, they found that they were missing two hours of time. Darryl became very depressed, and Toni noticed an increase in psychic abilities. Knowing something strange had happened to them, they went under hypnosis and recalled being taken onboard a craft. Darryl recalled being examined by short, gray-skinned ETs, who proceeded to heal an old childhood injury to his arm. Toni was told by the ETs that because she was psychic, they would allow her to observe the healing procedure. Afterward, both felt it was a benevolent encounter, and Darryl described the ETs as very loving.

TAKEN ON CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN. At 2:30 pm on Jul 14, 1985, Joseph left the lodge at the Crystal Mountain Ski Resort in Washington State to take a hike up the mountain. No sooner had he left when he suddenly found himself lying face down 2000 feet up the side of the mountain, disoriented, sore, with five unexplained needle-marks on his back. He stumbled back down, met his partner, Cassandra at the lodge and learned that he was missing two hours of time. Wondering what had happened to him, Joseph sought hypnosis and learned that he had been taken onboard a craft. Inside he was shocked to see more than 25 short, grayish-green, humanoid ETs. He was placed on a table and physically examined. He remembered them doing something to his back. He was then placed back on the mountain. Following this, he had two close-up UFO sightings.

TAKEN IN THE YUKON. On the morning of Sep 3, 1987, Kevin Bramm drove his motorbike along a remote highway in Yukon, Canada. Stopping to go pee, he was shocked to see a UFO fly across the road ahead of him. Moments later, he saw two insectoid-looking figures, who struck him with a beam of light. Time seemed to stop, and Kevin had the sensation of being paralyzed and drawn upward. The next thing he knew, it was nearly nighttime. He got on his bike and rushed off. Upon arrival to his trailer, he heard an odd buzzing sound, but was too scared to investigate. But it was then that he remembered being taken onboard a craft with strange instruments and panels, and two gray ETs. They gave him strange liquid so he wouldn’t remember. Kevin wanted to remember, but drank the liquid. Afterward, he found two strange scoop marks on his hands.

These five cases provide a vivid portrayal of what it’s like to be taken onboard a UFO and meet extraterrestrials face-to-face. These cases are supported by multiple witnesses, landing traces, medical effects, electromagnetic disturbances and more. They show that ETs are actively engaged in taking people onboard their craft and have been visiting our planet for a very long time.

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