
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Five True Cases

Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind:
Five True Cases

It represents the heart of the UFO phenomenon and is the most extensive and interesting of all encounters: close encounters of the fourth kind, cases of people who have been taken onboard a craft. Experiencers like these are far more common than most people realize. They occur all over the world, and can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Cases like these contain the most information about the many different types of extraterrestrials visiting our planet, and answer the many questions surrounding this subject. This video presents five little-known cases of close encounters of the fourth kind, each of which provides a tantalizing glimpse into the high strangeness of UFO contact.

“I THOUGHT I WAS DEAD.” On the night of May 15, 1951, “John,” an army officer was walking to his home north of Salzburg, Austria when a strange man wearing a glass helmet approached him. John found himself paralyzed as the man strapped an odd device to John’s chest and floated him into a craft landed nearby. Suddenly, the craft zoomed upwards. John was shocked to watch the Earth recede into the distance. Moments later, a beautiful landscape appeared before him, filled with lush red fields, blue canals, and tall spires. The craft landed at a saucer-port, the being exited, and John saw many other craft around him, some with other humans inside. Moments later, the ET returned. They took off and John was returned to Earth. For decades he told no one. But growing older, he finally decided it was time to talk.

EXAMINED BY ROBOTS. In the early morning hours of Sep 29, 1974, bus-driver Antonio La Rubia was walking to his place of employment in Paciencia, Brazil and came upon a massive craft sitting in a field. Suddenly unable to move, he was dragged onboard the craft by two robotic figures. Onboard, he was surrounded by dozens of the strange beings, who placed him in a glass-like, bell-jar shaped container. They proceeded to show him a series of bizarre images, some involving apparent future events. They took a blood sample and then dropped him off two miles from the original location. Following the encounter, Antonio suffered fever, extreme thirst, loss of appetite, rash, swelling, body pain, nausea, diarrhea and had to be hospitalized. Later it was discovered that another person in the area saw a UFO on the same night.

“I DID NOT DARE TALK ABOUT IT.” At 1:30 am, on Jun 11, 1976, Helene Giuliana was driving home near Bourg-de-Peage, France when her car began to slow down by itself, the engine faltered, then the headlights went out and the car rolled to a stop. Helene was alarmed to see a brilliant glowing object landed on the road ahead. She locked her car-doors and covered her eyes. Suddenly the object was gone. She drove home, only to discover she had arrived two hours later than she should have. Later, she agreed to undergo hypnotic regression, and recalled being taken from her car by short dwarf-like beings who pulled her into the craft, put her on a steel table and examined her. She was returned to her car with no memory of the event.

WHAT WOULD YOU WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD BEFORE YOU DIE? In Jun of 1976, Rick A. Hale’s life changed forever. He was 21 years old, and decided to mentally call out for UFO contact. A few days later, while driving along the I-90 Freeway near Indian John Hill, Washington that he pulled off the freeway onto a rural road and saw three strange beings in white suits and helmets. Even though he had been hoping for contact, he panicked and drove off. However, that night he realized he was missing two hours. Years later, under hypnosis, he recalled being taken onboard a craft where he encountered human-looking ETs, grays, and a wolf-like humanoid. He held a long conversation with them which changed the way he viewed everything.

THEY ARE REAL NICE. “Peter,” a 10-year-old from Georgia reports having contact with gray-like beings since age 4 or 5, starting in the mid-1980s. When onboard, Peter reports that he is almost always taken to a library where the ETs have a bunch of books about Earth, the environment and nature. On a few occasions, he’s given weird ET puzzle-games and the ETs watch while he tries to solve them. Peter’s onboard encounters usually last for an hour or two, but he is almost always returned only minutes after being taken. Peter says his contacts are benevolent and the ETs are very friendly, though his mother, who is also an experiencer, is frightened by her own encounters. Peter believes the ET agenda is all about trying to save the planet from destruction.

These five close encounters of the fourth kind provide a small cross-section of what appears to be hundreds of thousands if not millions of similar encounters taking place all over the world. These cases have both amazing similarities and puzzling, unique elements. But most importantly, they show that we are not alone in this universe, and that ETs show a great interest in the people of Earth and in the planet itself.

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