
Saturday, January 06, 2024

UNDENIABLE: Five True UFO Encounters

Five True UFO Encounters

While there are those who are skeptical that UFOs exist, the truth is that the evidence for extraterrestrials is undeniable. Landing traces, electromagnetic disturbances, animal reactions, physiological effects…the list goes on. And when cases like these have multiple eyewitness testimonies, the evidence cannot be ignored or explained away. This video presents five exceptional cases with undeniable evidence.

UFO LANDING AT SOUTH HILL, VIRGINIA. On the evening of April 21, 1967, Clifton Crowder was driving along Ferrell Road to his home in South Hill, Virginia when he noticed a shiny silver craft landed on the street in front of him. As he flicked on his high-beams, the craft belched a stream of flames and took off like a bullet straight up. The craft was gone, but left behind was a huge burn-mark on the road, and four evenly spaced holes gouged into the macadam surface. He went straight to the police and reported the incident. Unknown to him, dozens of people in the area were reporting UFOs flying around at treetop level, including police officers and firemen. UFO researchers converged on the case and declared it genuine. Project Blue Book was contacted and they were unable to identify the craft and labeled it unexplained, Case#11677.

UFO LANDS AT IOWA FARM. It was around 10:00 pm on August 6, 1971 when Don Ede looked outside his home in Westgate, Iowa and saw a brilliant flash in the sky, followed by a red-orange object which dropped own into his neighbor’s field. Unknown to Don, Mike Potratz who lived a short distance away also noticed the flash and the strange object. The next morning, both Don and Mike woke up early and went to investigate the farm of John Bantz, where they had seen the object come down. Together, joined by a member of the Bantz family, they found a 10-foot-wide circle of burned vegetation, surrounded by four smaller circles surrounded evenly around the circumference. Unknown to any of them, two other people were driving early near the area two hours before Don and Ede saw the UFO and were chased down the road by an unknown object.

THE COLBY, KANSAS UFO LANDING. At 2:00 am, on August 19, 1972, John I. Calkins woke up to see a UFOs swooping down over his home in Gem, Kansas. He immediately called the local police in Colby, Kansas. Patrolman Paul Carter was sent to investigate, but before he could get there, the police officer came upon a landed UFO. He called for backup and his fellow officer, Dennis Brown arrived and watched the craft take-off. He saw that the craft was heading for nearby Oakley, and called their sheriff’s station. They came out and saw the UFO too. Meanwhile, they headed to John Calkins’ home in Gem, and the UFOs were still there. Meanwhile, the Colby stations was flooded with calls. The UFOs flew around all night long. It would be an experience that convinced many people that UFOs are real.

MISSING TIME IN PRINCE GEORGE. At 4:10 am on January 5, 1977, 17-year-old Kirk Alore drove along Hwy 16 outside of Prince George, Canada. He noticed an oncoming car, and at the same time, saw a strange red light zooming towards it. Suddenly, the object approached him, and he realized it was a UFO. His body became numb as his car radio filled with static, his headlights failed and the engine died. The last thing he remembered was seeing the oncoming car come right at him, the UFO overhead, and then slamming on his brakes. He fell unconscious and woke up to find himself sitting in the passenger seat of his car. The other driver woke him up and told Kirk that he himself had also had missing time and woke up outside his car. Kirk was sore for a week, had a persistent headache, and his car battery was dead. Soon he would have more experiences and this time, he had more witnesses.

THE GREENFIELD UFO LANDING. Around 7:00 pm on Nov 8, 1975, Cathy Wilfong and Cindy Bridges were at their farm in Greenfield, Indiana when the power kept mysteriously going off. Two hours later, a huge UFO appeared over their soybean field. Their dog barked wildly and they fled to their house and called the police. When the police arrived, the UFOs had moved off into the distance, but were still visible. Meanwhile, calls flooded into the station from people reporting the UFOs. The next morning, Cathy and Cindy found a 44-foot-wide circle of crushed vegetation, tightly woven and matted together. When they went public with their story, many other witnesses stepped forward to report their own sightings in that area on that night.

These five cases provide compelling, if not conclusive, evidence of UFO reality. Those who remain skeptical of UFOs have simply not done their research. The evidence is there for those who have the courage to examine it. These five cases are just the tiniest percentage of the actual number of cases, the vast majority of which goes completely unreported. The evidence speaks for itself. UFOs are real! We are not alone!

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