
Saturday, January 20, 2024

Weird Water UFO Encounters - Twelve True Cases

Weird Water UFO Encounters -
Twelve True Cases

Preston Dennett:

It’s a pattern that researchers have recognized long ago: UFOs seem to be attracted to water. Lakes, rivers, oceans…there are many cases where UFOs are seen diving into the water, coming out of it, floating on the surface, and affecting the water in unusual ways. Cases reach back decades and come from all over the world. Some accounts involve UFOs sucking up the water itself! This video presents twelve weird water UFO cases, each of which provides profound insights into UFOs and their strange connection to water.

USO WITH HUMANOIDS. One day in Aug 1914 as William Kiehl and other witnesses saw an odd object floating in Georgian Bay at Lake Ontario, Canada. Shaped like a bell-jar, he saw two humanoids holding a hose, sucking water from the bay. On top of the object were 3 other figures. The UFO departed so quickly that one of the little men clung to the outside of the craft.

“IT WAS WATCHING US.” When three people decided to take the ferry across Okanagan Lake in British Columbia, Canada, in Aug 1952, they were awed to see a weird round boat zoom toward them on the lake. As it arrived, it rose into the air, showing itself to be a UFO. It hung there briefly, then moved back over the lake before darting off.

UFO ORDEAL AT ORADELL. Just before 8pm on Sep 15, 1962, three boys were shocked to see a UFO drop from the sky, plunge into the Oradell Reservoir in New Jersey, and takeoff. Unknown to them, others saw the object. The next night, the UFO was back. Soon, UFOs were being seen nightly, by hundreds of people. The UFO wave would garner national headlines.

THE PEROPAVA RIVER UFO CRASH. On the afternoon of Oct 31, 1963, more than 50 people observed a flying saucer lose control and plunge into the Peropava Rivera in Iguape, Brazil. As the water frothed and bubbled, the Brazilian military arrived and sent divers down to recover the craft. But after two weeks of searching, no evidence of the UFO was ever found.

A UFO FISH STORY? One evening in 1964, a group of fishermen at the Moraleda Channel in Castro, Chile were shocked to see a glowing man walk out of the sea. After staring at them for a few moments, the strange figure walked back into the ocean. They could still see a strange glow under the water. That’s when fish began to fill their nets in unprecedented numbers.

BEYOND MY POWER TO COMPREHEND. On Apr 9, 1970, Max Krauss was taking a walk near his home in Aufhofen, Germany when he saw a 2-foot-wide, transparent sphere with spokes pacing him. The bizarre device hovered over a small stream and began sucking up water through a pipe. Moments later, it departed. As an electrician Max was convinced that he had seen something extraterrestrial.

UFO DISPLAY OVER CHOLLA BAY. On the night of Nov 7, 1971, Albert Formiller walked along the beach at Cholla Bay, Mexico when a saucer-shaped craft appeared and sent down a beam of light nearly a half-mile wide onto the surface of the water. The craft remained for 20 minutes before slowly moving off. Unknown to Albert, many other people saw the strange display.

“MORE DEAD THAN ALIVE.” In Jul 1973, “Masaaki” worked as a night-guard for a lumber company along the coast of Tomokomai, Japan. To his great fear, a UFO dropped down and began sucking water out of the bay. At one point, it moved overhead and was close enough that he could see strange humanoids inside.

USO AT PITYILU ISLAND. One evening in the 1970s, a missionary was staying at tiny Pityilu Island near Papua, New Guinea when a UFO appeared. It hovered for a few moments and then plunged into the shallow reefs offshore. A group of men sent a boat out to investigate, but before they could arrive, the object was gone.

FISHING FOR UFOS. On the evening of Jul 15, 1981, 14-year-old, Carl E. Moore was amazed to see a UFO drop from the sky and float on the water of a small lake in Newberry, SC. As it hit the water, it sent up a cloud of steam. He watched it from 50 feet away, for three minutes before the craft darted away.

“FOLLOW THAT UFO!” One night in August 1981, a group of 5 witnesses driving in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada followed a red, glowing object as it made a controlled descent into Lake Ontario. Going to the shore, they saw two submarine-like objects emerge in the same exact location. Although the witnesses waited for hours, the UFO never emerged.

“THIS WAS REAL SCARY.” When a father and his two sons went fishing off the coast of Seaforth, England, they were awestruck to see a fleet of five UFOs dive into the Mersey Estuary. Shortly later, all five objects emerged from the sea and flew off. Several other witnesses saw the whole thing.

These twelve cases only skim the surface of the huge number of cases involving UFOs and USOs. These cases show that the waters of our planet might be holding vast numbers of extraterrestrial craft, hidden from sight. And they show beyond any reasonable doubt that there is a strange connection between UFOs and water.

Preston Dennett Website:

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