
Monday, February 12, 2024

Exposing Deep State Psyops Hiding the Truth about Alien Life & Transformative Technologies

Exposing Deep State Psyops Hiding the Truth
about Alien Life & Transformative Technologies

Dan Willis, a former US Navy veteran, news anchor, and 2001 UFO disclosure witness, has for decades encountered multiple psychological operations used to hide the truth about extraterrestrial visitors and transformative technologies from the general public. These psyops began during the Second World War when the world public was deceived over the alleged “total victory” over Nazi Germany and not informed about a significant breakaway German colony in Antarctica and South America that was in possession of the “wonder weapons” developed with the assistance of extraterrestrial visitors. Hitler had threatened to unleash these to win the war in Europe, but they were not ready for deployment. Instead, the German-ET wonder weapons were taken to Antarctica to create a Fourth Reich and were used to defeat successive British and US naval expeditions sent to find and destroy the German Antarctic colony in 1946 and 1947.

Over the successive decades, the scientific community and general public were deceived in another well-thought-out psyop that the Fermi Paradox was true when in actuality, there were multiple encounters, diplomatic meetings, and even agreements reached with multiple extraterrestrial visitors to our planet.

Sophisticated psyops were also developed to convince the public that rocket propulsion was the optimal way for humanity to become a spacefaring civilization, while exotic antigravity and torsion field propulsion systems were covertly developed and used in secret space programs. Finally, advanced holographic healing technologies were developed that could fully regrow human limbs and organs, and could be used for life-extension purposes.

Dan Willis websites are: and


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