
Saturday, March 23, 2024

Alien Visitations: Ten Cases from Around the World

Alien Visitations:
Ten Cases from Around the World

Preston Dennett:

UFOs are real! The UFO subject is now enjoying a resurgence in popularity. Governments across the world are now admitting the validity of the UFO phenomenon, and more and more people are now stepping forward to share their own encounters. This video presents ten cases of alien visitations from across the world, seven of which involve face-to-face contact with humanoids of all different kinds. Landing traces, physiological effects, unusual electromagnetic disturbances, and most cases with multiple witnesses – the truth can no longer be denied. We are not alone!

A CLOSEUP ENCOUNTER WITH HUMANOIDS. On November 16, 1952, 40-year-old farmer, Nello Ferreri stepped into the fields near his home in Castelfranco, Italy to relieve himself. Suddenly a circle of light appeared on the ground around him, and looking up, he saw a flying saucer hovering just overhead. Looking down at him were three strange humanoids wearing rubber suits.

THREE YOUNG GIRLS SEE A HUMANOID. School had just let out for Anne Storedal (age 10,) her sister Tora and their friend Tora Moy (both age 9) and they were walking to their homes in Torpo, Norway. Suddenly a small black dot appeared in the sky, zoomed down, and hovered only a few feet overhead. The girls could now see it was a strange, spherical craft, and inside was a tiny man dressed in black staring at them.

THE ALIEN TOURISTS. On September 29, 1965, Emil and Ada Carlsson stepped outside their home in Arboga, Sweden and saw a boat-shaped object floating silently only a few hundred feet over their heads. Inside were more than twenty people were bright colored clothes. The strange figures were surveying the couple and the environment. The Carlssons realized that they must be alien tourists!

LANDINGS AND HUMANOIDS AT WAYNESBORO, VA. On the morning of December 21, 1965, Horace Burns was driving along Hwy 250 near Waynesboro, Virginia when a UFO landed next to him, stalling his car. This was the start of a wave of sightings in the area. One month later and a few miles away, William Blackburn encountered a landed UFO and occupants. A week after that, six young men chased three humanoids again on Hwy 250. Later, one of them and a photographer came upon a landed UFO and alien.

A 13-MILE UFO CHASE. On the evening of January 5, 1971, John Clucas (age 37) was driving to his home, from Penrith to Windsor, Australia. Without warning a glowing object swooped down behind his car and tailgated him. John sped up and so did the object. When he slowed down, the object also slowed down. No matter what John did, he couldn’t outrun the UFO, and it followed him for more than 13 miles.

THE UFO THAT SUCKED. One summer day in 1973, numerous people across England observed a black UFO that moved overhead, sucking various objects into the sky. Several people at Jodrell watched as it levitated hay and grass. A train driver at Kidlington said it levitated a bag of coal. Residents of both Chell and Burslem also saw the UFO and various items being pulled up into the sky. Strangely, nobody reported any wind.

THE UFO MADE HER CRY. On the night of October 13, 1977, Mary Arnett and three others encountered a low-flying metallic disc while driving along Mobley Road in rural Wetzel County, West Virginia. Upon seeing the object, Mary found herself bursting into tears. As the object followed them and started to land, they drove off in fear. They wanted to return to the area the next day to investigate, but they were too afraid.

A BOX-SHAPED UFO WITH HUMANOIDS. It was early morning in November 1978 when 9-year-old Dawn Smith saw a strange box-shaped object floating at low altitude outside her window in Westbank, British Columbia, Canada. She was amazed to see a hatch open and two dark human-looking men standing on either side of the door. Even more amazing was when a large flying saucer emerged from the craft.

THE ODENSE LANDING AND HUMANOIDS. Just before 5am on July 16, 1982, a young man was bicycling to work from Odense, Denmark to Broby, when he came upon a landed UFO. He jumped off his bike and walked up to it, startling five short, bald humanoids who were taking samples and putting them in bags. The ETs retreated to the craft which took off, leaving a circle of crushed grass on the ground.

BADLANDS UFO. One evening in February 1982, geologist Tom Brebol was retiring after surveying the terrain in the wilderness of the Barber County Badlands of southern, Kansas. As a strange silence enveloped the area and Tom had the feeling of being watched, he ventured outside his tent and came upon a landed craft. To his shock, two glowing blue figures appeared. As he snapped a photo, Tom blacked out.

These ten cases from across the planet, spanning several decades, show the incredibly diversity and complexity of the UFO phenomenon and the various extraterrestrials visiting our planet. And they have so much to teach us, about ourselves and life beyond Earth.

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