
Saturday, March 30, 2024

David Wilcock LIVE: Understanding the Cycles of History

David Wilcock LIVE:
Understanding the Cycles of History

Does history move in cyclical patterns? Does it traverse the Hero's Journey and/or Christ storyline? What happens when we reach the Easter or Resurrection point -- after the Dark Night of the Soul?

Epic predictions have now been made for the April 8th solar eclipse. Just since these predictions were announced last week, two very significant events have occurred, among many other noteworthy ones.

The buildup is ongoing and undeniable. It may be taking longer than some thought, but there is a very powerful and obvious crescendo of events that continue escalating.

David realized that last week's topic about cycles needed further detail and clarification to be better understood.

History doesn't necessarily repeat itself, but the underlying events are curiously structured. Each of us are then tested as to whether we will repeat old patterns or create new ones.

As we surmount our habit patterns and live healthier lives, we elevate into higher levels of spiritual functioning. Our lives will restructure in very positive and nearly spontaneous ways.

This is now happening on a global level. As various initiatives come to fruition, we will be freed of many of the miseries facing us now in a much faster timeframe than most people would have ever imagined.

Angelic human ETs have promised their own future return, and they will give us help in cleaning up the planet much faster than we would have believed possible. In David's dreams about this, they have truly amazing technology.

Don't miss this opportunity to join David, in between massive snowfalls, as he lays out all the evidence for you!

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