
Saturday, March 09, 2024

Empire Strikes Back: AARO Puts UFO Disclosure on Hold

Empire Strikes Back:
AARO Puts UFO Disclosure on Hold

Exopolitics Today Week in Review – March 9, 2024


  • Prominent US Senator backtracks on UFO disclosure
  • China views UAPs as a national security threat due to their US and ET      origins
  • Remote Viewing Area 51 and Crop Circle Investigations
  • Indian News story on JP’s recent mission to an underground secret gold      stash
  • Creation of an official Tik Tok account
  • JP shares personal reflections about his covert military missions to      different national park locations, the secrets hidden there, and the beauty      of nature.
  • US Space Command General warns of Russia’s threat in space which is      very potent due to its SSP assets
  • New documentary on Unidentified Submersible Objects
  • Timothy Alberino interviews USAF pilot who first revealed the Kandahar      Giant story
  • Tim Phillips, Acting AARO Director, gives a Press briefing and releases      UAP Historical Report


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