
Saturday, March 16, 2024

Peter and the UFOs: A True Story of Contact

Peter and the UFOs:
A True Story of Contact

Preston Dennett:

It was 1968, and 13-year-old Carter Welles walked to school with his best friend, Jackson Groves near his home in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Jackson had just experienced a spontaneous out-of-body experience, and both boys were amazed by the event. Together they vowed to learn how to achieve astral projection. For the next two years they read everything they could find on the subject and meditated daily, but were unable to get out-of-body. Then one evening, Jackson walked home along a remote country highway outside of Toronto when a truckdriver offered him a ride. Jackson accepted. The driver introduced himself as Peter and said, “Well, Jackson, how’s it going with the astral travelling?”

Jackson was shocked because he did not know this man, and Jackson had told nobody but Carter about their attempts to have OBEs. Jackson asked Peter how he knew his name and about the OBEs, and the man just smiled and said, “Oh, you know, we’ve been keeping an eye on you guys.”

After speaking with Peter for an hour or two, Jackson was amazed. Peter showed telepathic abilities, could call forth the wind, and said he worked with extraterrestrials and had been onboard UFOs. He even offered to take Jackson onboard a craft. Jackson was too scared to accept the invitation, but he continued to meet with Peter and learn about spirituality, psychic abilities, and UFOs.

After a few visits with Peter, Jackson told Carter about him. Carter was excited and asked to meet Peter too. Peter agreed, and Carter, Jackson and a couple of friends met with him. Peter repeated that he worked with the aliens, displayed his ability to call forth the wind, read their minds and showed other incredible abilities. The boys hammered him with questions, all of which Peter answered with great wisdom and humor, often bringing the boys to tears with laughter.

Shortly after this visit, the boys were staying at Carter’s parents’ cottage in Rosedale, Ontario. Carter was alone in the house when his friends came running in and announced that they had just seen a Martian at the docks along the nearby Rosedale River

Says Carter, “They described it, and it was exactly like what we think of today as a gray. A little guy with a big head, big eyes, a skinny little body. And they saw it. They saw this thing. And we have never experienced anything like that before. So, we were very excited.”

A few days later, Carter and his friends were walking over the Rosedale bridge. Carter got ahead of the others, and looking over the bridge into the parking lot, he saw a strange figure. He knew instantly that it was the “Martian.”

“I saw this little being,” Carter said. “It looked like a little gray alien…and when I first saw it, my body reacted and I kind of jerked. And it mimicked me! And I saw what it did, and I kind of shook my head and looked at it. And it did the same thing. It was kind of playing with me. It was really playful. I had this whole little interaction with it. It was like mimicking me and bouncing around, kind of over-exaggerating my movements. It was very playful. The energy coming off this guy was so fun and playful.”

They met with Peter a few days later and told him what happened. Peter just smiled and showed no surprise. Peter promised to meet them again, but suddenly he disappeared from their lives. All the boys, but especially Carter, were devastated. Peter was like a long-lost friend, or an enlightened Master, and now he was gone.

A few weeks later, Carter and his friends had a dramatic UFO sighting over Rosedale. Then, one of Carter’s friends saw Peter at a fast-food restaurant in Toronto, and tried to get up and talk to him but found himself unable to move until Peter left.

Carter was profoundly affected by his meetings with Peter. His sense of spirituality became stronger. He began to communicate telepathically with Peter. Carter grew up, searching out the works of spiritual leaders, but none held a candle to what he learned from Peter. Carter traveled the world, and ended up in Hawaii where he built an off-grid home and met his wife. One evening in the middle of the night, the house filled with unexplained white light. Both Carter and his girlfriend had strange memories of being onboard a craft. When they woke up the next morning, they found a strange implant in the same location on their arms.

They moved back to the mainland and continued to have UFO sightings. Carter thought about Peter daily, and often wished that he would see him again one day. But he never did. He looked back on those few incredible meetings with Peter and wondered, who was this man, an angel, a spirit guide, an extraterrestrial? It remains a mystery, but today, now in his late sixties, Carter will never forget how his life changed forever when Peter came into his life.

Preston Dennett Website:

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