
Saturday, April 20, 2024

Strange Humanoids Around the World: Ten Eyewitness Accounts

Strange Humanoids Around the World:
Ten Eyewitness Accounts

Preston Dennett:

There are many different kinds of strange humanoids being reported by people all over the world, and it’s been happening for a long time. It’s definitely not just grays! In fact, the variety of ET types is far more numerous than most people realize. This video presents ten cases from across the world, spanning five decades, from the 1950s to the 1990s. Many involve multiple witnesses and different forms of evidence. But most fascinating are all the amazing kinds of ETs.

BROWN-SKINNED MIDGET ETS. One afternoon in the Fall of 1957, a 15-year-old boy was working in the fields south of the small town of Ejstrupholm, Denmark when a metallic craft landed just 100 feet away. To his utter shock, two 3-foot-tall brown-skinned ETs wearing transparent helmets emerged. After a few minutes, they returned to the craft, which took off. The witness was so amazed, he told almost nobody.

LOVERS LANE ALIENS. Late one evening in the Fall of 1966, a young couple drove to an isolated location outside of Rockford, Illinois to enjoy each other’s company in private. Without warning, a bright light appeared overhead. They quickly pulled a U-turn to flee the area, but before they could get away, they saw two gray figures with big black eyes staring back at them. It was an experience they would never forget.

THE ETS IN MELON FIELD. Around dusk on September 12, 1971, Juan Rodriguez Dominguez, who worked as a guard for the giant El Lunarejo melon farm in Aznalcollar, Spain, got the shock of his life when a massive, silver, torpedo-shaped craft landed a short distance away. Dozens of tiny figures wearing uniforms emerged. When Juan confronted him, the ETs chased him, shooting paralyzing lights rays at him.

NUCLEAR RESEARCHER HUMANOID ENCOUNTER. On the night of June 29, 1973, a nuclear researcher/professor was driving with his wife south of Chalk River, Ontario, Canada when they noticed a star-like object pacing their car. Soon it came closer, revealing itself to be a spherical craft with portholes, and through them they could see humanoid figures. And it crossed the road right in front of their car.

HUMANOID INVESTIGATES GRAVESITE. On the evening of July 23, 1977, a family in Lindley, New York were shocked to see multiple UFOs, and then little humanoids running around their backyard. They watched it do strange things to a gravestone nearby. The witnesses finally called the police and the UFOs and humanoids quickly left. But this was just the beginning of a weeks-long series of incredible encounters.

THE ETS IN THE FLYING BOX. One Summer evening in 1978, an anonymous gentleman was walking his dog near his home in Beeston, England when he saw something he could hardly believe: a box-shaped craft floating just above the rooftops. Most amazing, inside he saw several 10-foot-tall skinny figures wearing strange jumpsuits. A few of them saw the witness and waved at him before slowly moving away.

ETS OFFER CAKE. On the evening of December 3, 1979, teen-ager Lilli-Ann Karlsson was taking a walk in the park near her home in Vastervick, England. Suddenly paralyzed, she found herself confronted by a craft in the field right next to her. Two ETs emerged and began to float towards her. They were 5 feet tall, white and glowing. They approached her, holding a piece of what looked like chocolate cake.

THREE LITTLE FLOATING ALIENS. Around dusk on January 12, 1983, Ed Eggen (pseudonym) and his two young sons were shocked to see a little bald man wearing a gray jumpsuit outside their home in Pine Township, Indiana. They ran outside to investigate. Seconds later, they noticed a second figure, and then a third. They approached within feet of them before all three figures converged and darted off into the sky.

THE GLOWING GIANT. Late in the evening of March 6, 1983, Madame Fauquembergue was in her home in Pas-de-Calais, France when she noticed a strange glowing figure moving around outside her home. Looking more closely, she saw it was 7 or 8 feet tall and wearing a silver jumpsuit. Earlier that evening, she and her family had been puzzled when the entire house lit up with light.

THE SHRUGGING GRAY. It was about 2:00 am, when three young girls decided to go outside and jump on the trampoline in the backyard of their home in a small town in central Missouri. They all saw a strange light, and moments later, a 4-foot-tall gray figure approached them. The girls fled into their home, but the gray then began to stare at them through the window, and kept doing for a period of hours.

These ten cases provide a small sample of the huge number of cases taking place across the planet. These cases show unique aspects and corroborating similarities. The evidence includes landing traces, medical effects, animal reactions, and more. Each case provides another piece of the puzzle, and shows us that we are not alone. Humans are just one of many types of intelligence life in this vast universe.

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