
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Uncovering Ancient Atlantean Ruins: Exploring Evolutionary Pathways and Psychic Phenomenon

Uncovering Ancient Atlantean Ruins:
Exploring Evolutionary Pathways
and Psychic Phenomenon

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – May 11, 2024


  • Detailed information on ancient Atlantean ruins and technologies in Dark      Journalist episode: "Hacking Atlantis: The Craze In The HotZone!
  • Two eyewitness accounts of Aliens Attacking Secret Space Program      supersoldiers
  • Ascension vs Integration Pathways to Human Evolution
  • Psychic abilities are a critical part of the UFO/ET phenomenon.
  • British Military Expert Analyses Crash Retrieval and Reverse      Engineering Claims
  • Whistleblowers have more faith in US Senators than AARO office to act      upon their UFO revelations.
  • Elon Musk has again stated that he has seen no evidence of non-human      intelligence
  • Dr Steven Greer launches the Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive
  • Serbia becomes the 11th country to join the International Lunar Research      Station,
  • These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review

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