
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Government Cover-Ups and Alien Secrets: John Lear Speaks Out

Government Cover-Ups and Alien Secrets:
John Lear Speaks Out

Chris Lehto:

Join us as we explore the riveting 1987 interview with John Lear, a renowned pilot and UFO researcher, conducted by investigative journalist George Knapp on KLAS TV's "On The Record." In this candid conversation, Lear makes bold claims about government cover-ups, secret extraterrestrial collaborations, and hidden alien bases on the Moon and Mars. This interview, part of a three-part series, delves into the mysteries that have intrigued and perplexed the UFO research community for decades. Discover Lear's controversial views and the significant impact they had on the ongoing debate about UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

YouTube link:

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