
Saturday, June 01, 2024

NOT ALONE: Ten Super-Strange Alien Encounters

Ten Super-Strange Alien Encounters

Preston Dennett:

With nearly a million reported and documented UFO encounters, it is clear that we are not alone in this universe. ETs are visiting our planet, and people all over the world are encountering humanoids of many different kinds. This video presents ten super-strange cases of humanoid encounters, many with multiple witnesses and compelling evidence. Face-to-face contact with extraterrestrials provide important insights into the UFO phenomenon and answer many of the questions surrounding this subject.

POLICE OFFICERS SEE LANDED UFO AND HUMANOIDS. At 1am one evening in January 1956, French gendarmes (Henri Barboule and Msr Simon) were in Barre-des-Cevennes, France, when they heard a deafening roar. Looking up, they saw a flying saucer pass overhead and land a short distance away. As the craft released a probe, four humanoids exited the craft. Both officers were paralyzed with fear.

UFO LANDS IN CITY PARK. Around 9:30 pm on the night of December 9, 1962, driver/waiter Antonio Candau was walking to his home near Bologna, Italy when he saw a flying saucer land nearby. He watched in awe as two olive-skinned human-looking men wearing yellow jumpsuits exited. The two men approached him, speaking a strange language and gesturing to him. The experience changed Antonio’s life.

FOLLOWED BY A UFO. One night in January 1973, five people were driving near Nowra, NSW, Australia when a UFO appeared and began pacing their car. One of the passengers was shocked to see humanoid figures looking out at him through the portholes. The craft followed their vehicle for many miles, before suddenly darting away. The next morning, one of the witnesses would have another encounter.

THE CLUMSY ROBOT. Early in the morning of July 10, 1976, Miguel Angel Ruiz Samperio, and his friend, Margarita Cagigas were getting ready to car-pool to work when they saw a strange figure walking down the street of their home town of Escalante, Spain. To their shock, it looked robotic and was at least nine feet tall. After walking off, it disappeared. They later learned that other people saw it too.

ALIENS AT THE FRONT DOOR. On the night of July 11, 1978, “Amalia,” was in her home in Alta da Mooca, Brazil when she heard a thump and a strange buzzing noise, her dog began to bark, and her TV filled with static. Opening the door, she was confronted by two short humanoids and a landed UFO behind them. She was paralyzed as the figures shone strange lights around and returned to their craft, which took off, leaving Amalia utterly shocked.

UFO LANDS AT SUGAR-CANE FARM. Late at night on April 26, 1979, farmer Mamerto Demetillo was woken up by light filling his home in Talisay, the Philippines. Rushing outside, he saw three flying saucers landing next to his farm. He watched as two human-looking figures exited each craft, and examined the area. After 20 minutes, they returned inside the craft which took off, leaving landing traces. At the time, there was a wave of sightings in the area.

THE MOST REMARKABLE THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME. One night in the fall of 1989, shortly after reading some UFO books, an anonymous witness saw a UFO outside her home near the Apalachicola Forest in Florida. Suddenly, a glowing sphere emerged from the craft and entered through her window. An eight-foot-tall figure appeared. The witness fainted and for 2 years, forgot the encounter.

YOU ARE ME. On the night March 9, 1992, two women were driving to their homes in Hamar, Norway when a saucer with two short humanoids hovered in front of their car. They both experienced missing time. Later that night, one of the witnesses, Gry Jannicke Jarlum, was visited at her home. She remained in contact with the ETs who began to teach her volumes of profound information, completely changing her life forever.

A ROADSIDE GRAY. While driving to his home in Cary, Illinois one evening in March 1995, an anonymous man was shocked to see a short strange-looking figure alongside the road. Thinking it was the victim of a car accident, he slowed down, and was amazed to see a short figure with a large bald head, huge dark oval eyes, and pale white skin. It was not human, and the witness drove off in shock.

THE MEN IN THE SKY. On the night of April 26, 2009, a man in his home in Bad Neuenahr, Germany noticed a brilliant light in the sky. He watched it approach, revealing itself to be a multi-colored rectangular craft with numerous portholes. And through the portholes he saw the silhouettes of several figures looking out at him from only 100 feet away. He was convinced it was a genuine UFO, and watched as it flew slowly away.

Ten super-strange alien encounters from all over the world! And there are so many more. How many cases are needed to prove to the world that we are not alone? Earth is being visited by extraterrestrials of many kinds. The truth can no longer be denied, covered up or explained away. The evidence speaks for itself.

Preston Dennett Website:

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