
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Nazca Mummies, Ancient Sites, Ultraterrestrials and the Urantia Book

Nazca Mummies, Ancient Sites,
Ultraterrestrials and the Urantia Book

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – July 13, 2024


  • The Nazca mummies case has scientific experts coming out on both sides      of the debate.
  • Remote Viewing Ancient Sites and Extraterrestrial Contact: Interview      with John Vivanco
  • UFO material has the fascinating property of levitating when exposed to      specific THz frequencies
  • A global UAP Interparliamentary Alliance to study the UFO phenomenon      has just been launched
  • The planned destruction of the International Space Station is a      consequence of the Deep State using the ISS for nefarious purposes.
  • Verdant Extraterrestrials and Understanding the Urantia Book: Interview      with Byron Belitsos
  • Only a few days away from predictions of a July 15-16 event involving      UFOs in the US that captivates much of the world for the next six      months.
  • A 2022 paper on Ultraterrestrials takes on new significance with recent      predictions of a UFO event taking place
  • Trailer – Faking a Cryptoterrestrial Invasion.
  • Brad Olsen and Kerry Cassidy on prospects of a false flag alien invasion      happening soon.


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