
Saturday, August 03, 2024

Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime: Ten Humanoid Encounters

Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime:
Ten Humanoid Encounters

Humanoid encounters are far more numerous than you might think. Cases come from across the world and have been occurring for a very long time. It can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime! These cases make it clear that we still have much to learn about the Universe we live in. This video presents ten cases of people who have had face-to-face encounters with extraterrestrials of many different kinds.

THE LITTLE MAN IN THE UFO. One night in December 1951, the Coley family of Red Springs, NC were amazed to see a UFO hovering near their home. More amazing, they could see a humanoid figure inside. This turned was just the beginning. On August 6, 1952, James J. Allen saw a craft land next to his home in nearby Lumberton. A short humanoid figure emerged, quickly returned into the craft which took off. In 1975 a huge wave of sightings occurred, and was observed by dozens of police officers. Along with it came several more humanoid encounters.

THE LITTLE BLACK ALIENS. On the afternoon of October 9, 1957, Marie Yeager sat in her home in Mariaville, NY when a UFO landed in the forest near her home. Moments later, it departed. But the next day it was back, and this time she saw little black humanoids come out of it. She fled her home in fear. But soon she discovered that other people in her area had also seen UFOs.

FIVE SAUCERS AND SIX ALIENS. On the morning of Novembre 18, 1957, tobacco farmers Pedro Zilli and Joao Ermani of Maracaja, Brazil were amazed to see two silver craft landed in the fields next to their farm. As they approached, they saw six tall humanoids dressed in skintight jumpsuits running inside the craft, which promptly took off. Unknown to them, many other people in the area were also seeing UFOs.

SOMETHING WEIRD OVER DENMARK. On November 21, 1957, grocer Hans Haugaard Hansen was driving near Gesten, Denmark when he noticed a strange craft hovering over a nearby turnip field. He stopped his car and was amazed to see two human-looking figures inside a transparent cockpit. The craft quickly took off. He called the police who investigated and learned that other people in the area were also seeing UFOs and humanoids. In fact, these events took place during a huge wave across the entire country which caused concern at the highest levels of government.

I CAN STILL FEAL THE FEAR. One afternoon in June of 1963, an anonymous woman and her 7-year-old son were vacationing on the small island of Storholmen in Sweden. As they stood by the shore, a strange feeling overcame her, and looking out, she saw a silver craft approach. Inside and on top of it, she saw two perfect-looking muscular men dressed in tight jumpsuits. The craft approached so close that she and her son hid in fear. Then it sped away so fast it disappeared from view in seconds.

ALIEN STREET SWEEPER. On the evening of November 18, 1973, four ladies were driving outside Montreal, Canada, when a UFO began to pace their car. After several miles of being followed, they drove through a weird “pink cloud.” Moments later, they saw a short humanoid figure standing in the middle of the road. Unknown to them, many people in the area were seeing UFOs on the same night.

“DON’T YOU WANT TO COME ONBOARD?” It was a Summer morning in 1974 as “Mrs. N.” took a walk near her home in Oslo, Norway. Suddenly beautiful music began to play, a glowing craft approached and began to follow her. Inside she saw three figures in dark jumpsuits. One of them stood up, smiled, and gestured for her. She had the impression it was inviting her to come onboard. Filled with fear, Mrs. N ran, and the craft followed.

LANDING AT A FRENCH FARM. At 6:30 pm on December 9, Chanta L of Fonforet, France was amazed to see a glowing craft land outside her farmhouse. Moments later, or 7-foot-tall being floated out of the craft and explored around before returning inside it. Moments later the craft took off and landed again, leaving strange traces on the ground. At this time, many people in the area were reporting UFOs.

I HEARD A PIERCING SCREAM. One night in March 1978, rancher Monte Brinsmead saw a classic flying saucer with colored lights outside his farm near Lake Sorell, Tasmania. He grabbed his rifle to shoot at it when it took off. He learned that many of his neighbors had been seeing UFOs. Soon numerous events of high strangeness occurred, including an encounter with an apparent humanoid.

THE ALIEN AT THE BEACH. At 9am on February 3, 1994, six witnesses at the beach in Ancona, Passetto, Italy saw a weird humanoid figure wandering among the rock formation known as “Pope’s Chair” along the beach. Suddenly it flew up into the air and off into the distance.

These ten cases show that a UFO and humanoid encounter can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. While there are those who remain skeptical, there are too many cases to deny, dismiss or debunk. The accounts speak for themselves. We are being visited by extraterrestrials.

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