
Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Alien Implant Evaded Removal – It’s been Activated... Whitley Strieber

The Alien Implant Evaded Removal –
It’s been Activated... Whitley Strieber

Whitley Strieber reveals the full story of 'Communion': an alien device implanted in his ear evaded doctors' attempts at removal and has now begun communicating, preparing him for future contact.

0:00 - The Aliens
2:09 - The Cabin Visitations
4:39 - Reaching out to the Aliens
7:08 - Whitley's Ear Implant
9:01 - The Hooded Figure
10:12 - The Ghost
12:45 - The implant moves
13:56 - Two alien visitors
15:45 - Technology from the other side
17:18 - A wonderful life

YouTube link:

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