
Wednesday, August 07, 2024

The Biggest Lies About Human Evolution: How Humanity Was Fooled!

The Biggest Lies About Human Evolution:
How Humanity Was Fooled!

For centuries, the story of human evolution has been presented as a straightforward narrative: a linear progression from primitive ancestors to the sophisticated beings we are today. But what if much of what we've been told is a carefully constructed fiction? What if the very foundations of our understanding are built on half-truths, misconceptions, and deliberate deceptions?

In this episode we will expose the biggest lies of scientific dogma, uncovering the startling revelations that challenge everything we thought we knew about our origins. From the misinterpreted fossils to the manipulated data, this eye-opening journey exposes the falsehoods that have shaped our view of human history. Get ready to question the unquestionable and discover the hidden truths about how humanity was fooled.

Evolution cannot explain the development of complex life forms. In any given place and time, it is always the simpler life forms which are better prepared for survival. In 2022, scientists revived a tardigrade, also known as a water bear, who had been frozen in a university freezer for 30 years. Try doing that to a rat, or a koala. Modern human beings cannot even endure below-zero temperatures without clothes.

More complex organisms are more vulnerable to extreme temperatures, radiation, etc. So it doesn’t make sense to evolve complex animals from the perspective of “survival of the fittest”. In fact, it’s the opposite that is true. Simpler animals are always more fit to survive than complex ones. Tadpole shrimps exist today in the same exact form as 360 million years ago. They are the literary living proof that the theory of evolution is a lie.

Why are there so many animals living today? Where are the intermediate forms of species? How did life appear in the first place? Why did the Cambrian Explosion produce perfectly formed species in such a short time? Why do so many animals seem to be unfit for their environments? How does this evolution suddenly stop for some and not for others? Why are there so many different species and some close to each other, but genetically proven to be different? Like the donkey and the horse for example.

At the same time, the hippopotamus is more closely related genetically to whales than to, say, rhinoceros. There is no point in continuing when it is so clear that the theory of evolution is weak and unsteady and has not been proven adequately for the past 200 years. By this time, it becomes evident that there is not enough evidence to support it, and that future discoveries are not likely to support it either.

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