
Sunday, September 08, 2024

IMPORTANT Galactic Operation Announcement

Galactic Operation Announcement

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Sunday, 8-Sep-2024 05:17:15

Nothing can stop what is coming the storm events are underway on planet earth part of operations freedom earth, masterpiece, pandora and storm and in accordance with the galactic codezv11 and the universal law of one, 17 earth time the councils of light issued a green light go directive to all planetary light forces to commence the largest dark energy cleanup operation ever deployed on the surface of the earth. Mission objective, to remove all harmful entities from positions of power and influence from the surface of planet earth.

Planetry mass arrests of all beings that harm the citizens of humanity are imminent, Delta forces have been deployed to every corner of the earth tonight in this massive global campaign of light and are in position to begin removing all false cabal archo race leaders from the face of the planet. this major earth freedom offensive will last over 144 earth hours, 7 days and it is very possible that all internet and phone communications all across the planet could be interrupted sometime during this period.

The mission is set to begin any moment now as starseeds all across the planet watch and hold their breath. This major galactic operation will clear the way for the final event and the coming grand solar flash which will propel the entire planet into the 5th dimension of new earth where humanity will take it's place as a shining cosmic civilisation, You are safe and your families are safe and we say trust the plan.

This operation has been in planning preparation phases for a good while now and finally everything is in place and humanity is in the safest place at home as all of this unfolds over the coming hours and days tha galactics are monitoring everything that moves on the surface during this sensitive time and the delta security forces are on high alert at this hour as this incredible mission is about to commence. When the final remnants of the dark ones are cleared from the surface and their secret underground bases over the coming days the planet will emerge into an era of light.

This world has never seen a new age of freedom and peace will emerge forevermore for the citizens of planet earth. Things are definitely biblical at the moment and nothing can stop what is coming. A blinding light has come into this world as the great awakening moves into high gear!, It is truly the greatest time in history to be alive on planet earth, as all of this unfolds right before our eyes, it is for this reason that all lightworkers came to earth to set this world free and to turn this world back into the paradise garden of eden.


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