
Thursday, September 19, 2024

JP Update #37 – Honorable Discharge, Visit to Veterans Affairs and Future Covert Missions

JP Update #37 – Honorable Discharge,
Visit to Veterans Affairs and Future Covert Missions

After his Honorable Discharge on August 30 and new status as a Retiree with Permanent Disability, JP was given an appointment for his first visit to his local Veterans Affairs Office, which is close to the large military base where he was formerly stationed and out of which he performed most of his covert missions.

At Veterans Affairs, JP saw many other retirees and veterans and was given a new ID, etc. After his processing was completed, he was asked to leave the main lobby area and go down four flights of stairs with a small group for further processing.

After going down the stairs, JP was in a different lobby/hallway area with up to 20 individuals of varying ages, the oldest being around 80 years old. An officer in civilian clothes briefed the 20 veterans/retirees that they were all former covert operatives and that now they would not be compelled to be part of covert operations but could volunteer. The officer then asked for volunteers for an upcoming mission, and JP was among those that volunteered.

JP added that while these upcoming covert missions through Veterans Affairs would be purely voluntary, he was still in contact with the senior military officer who has greenlighted him in the past to reveal missions. JP was told that he would still be required to perform missions with active covert teams when needed. This would likely be for missions to areas that he has experienced in the past, such as the Atlantic Space Ark and the Underground Ant People colonies.


1 comment:

  1. Probably this comment would. not be published..
    I listen to this interview. My impression is that JP was affected by vaccines , mind wiping technology and the contact with the orbs that create invisibility. So my understanding is that he was used as guinea.pig by nordics and military. He does have probably a different DNA a positive attitude that sometimes is not justified opinion since from the previous interview he lost a leg or has some leg problems in addition to hearth problems. From the vaccines. And he still thinks that is ok. Memory loss as a result of et intervention on human affairs to fight their wars is not ok. We need to take care first of the earth and of people of this earth so everyone here has a roof over his head and earth is reforestation desertificatiin eliminated. Humans on earth are used. An from my understanding not only bybreptilians but also by. Ordics..Abducted kids are taken from one fraction to another
