
Sunday, June 19, 2016

David Wilcock - Full Disclosure and Ascension: The War Has Gone Hot! (Part II)

By David Wilcock

Independent insider sources and measurable real-world data confirm the war for Full Disclosure has gone "red hot."

New triangular fighter craft allegedly made by Boeing have created a decisive tipping-point in the wars now taking place over Antarctica and elsewhere.

We are now seeing the fulfillment of prophecies dating all the way back to the Bible and other ancient texts.

This is a very exciting time and we can "expect the unexpected" as we move forward into the future.


For those who are paying attention, it is becoming increasingly clear that "reality" is just another story we have been told.

We are so addicted to this complex body of concepts that we believe our version of "reality" to be the absolute, inerrant truth.

Nonetheless, in the post-Snowden era, we now know a secret as huge as mass NSA surveillance was occurring right under our noses, largely unseen.

Only a few lone voices in the wilderness were alerting us to the problem -- and were often disrespected for their alleged "conspiracy theories."

It is surprising how quickly most of us have settled back into the idea of things being "normal" after learning these outrageous violations are taking place.

We often feel these issues are far beyond our ability to influence as individuals. This is decidedly not the case.


Similarly, the UFO phenomenon has always been a mystery that we just can't quite fit into a box easily.

How many are out there? Where did they come from? What do they look like? Are there good guys and bad guys? And why won't they show themselves?

The intel I have gathered from insiders over the last 20 years reveals a vastly more complex story than most people could have possibly imagined.

Humans like us can evolve into beings who have a much different perception of time -- such as where a thousand years of our time becomes like one year.

These people are still very much physical, flesh-and-blood beings -- and do appear to be regularly operating all around us in our own airspace.

They can also bring us into their time continuum so that their perception becomes the new "normal" for us once we go there.


If you have seen my TV shows, conferences, videos and books, then you have a good grasp of how far-reaching and ancient these mysteries really are.

Powerful international alliances have formed and are aggressively pushing for a full disclosure of the truth.

This is a very real phenomenon. I did not realize how important our articles were to the Alliance effort until very recently -- as we will discuss.

The Ascension Mysteries, arriving August 30th, is the most complete compendium of this high-level insider data that I have ever assembled.

For the first time, we have a full-disclosure overview of the hidden history of our solar system -- going back over two billion years -- in one single document.

For the rest of David Wilcock's article click Here

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