
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Secret Space Programs Battle Over Antarctic Skies During Global Elite Exodus

By Dr. Michael Salla

On June 15, I received an informal “briefing” by secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, about recent events that include an aerial battle over Antarctica involving various syndicate groups (Cabal/Illuminati) that had over the last six months fled there, and also the current status of negotiations involving different extraterrestrial and “Inner Earth” civilizations over “open contact” with humanity

What follows will appear fantastic to those new to Goode’s revelations, which he has been releasing over the last 18 months. A detailed resource page has been created listing most of Goode’s interviews, reports, videos, along with articles about him.

My own detailed investigation of Goode was released in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances (Sept 2015). My conclusion was that Goode is genuine, and so I consider his June 15 ‘briefing” to be a very significant disclosure of recent events involving secret space programs that have transpired over the last few months.

Goode released a short update of recent events in bullet point form on May 14. In his June 15 briefing with me, he gave more details about this update, answered questions about what had occurred, and provided artist depictions of some of the events he was describing.

The May 14 update by Goode described an exodus of elite groups to South America and Antarctica:
Reports came in for approximately 6 months that high level syndicate groups were moving huge amounts of personal items and supplies to South American underground bases most noted in Brazil. More recent reports stated actual family members and high ranking syndicate members were pouring into these underground bases like ants before a storm.
Goode elaborated in his June 15 briefing that what the syndicate groups (global elites/Cabal/Illuminati) feared was huge solar storms predicted to hit the Earth. The so-called “solar killshot” long predicted by the remote viewer, Ed Dames, was imminent according to him in an interview on March 21, 2016.

The syndicate groups could not easily leave the Earth for refuge on off-planet locations due to a recent lockdown on airspace on and around Earth by what Goode describes as the “lower level SSP” comprising the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), USAF Space Command, etc. The latter had deployed technology establishing an “Earth Defense Grid” coordinated from an “air (and space) traffic control” established the Moon (Lunar Operations Command).

The syndicate groups chose to flee instead to Antarctica/South America where underground locations provided some safety. The following graphic illustrates one of the six industrial areas under the Antarctic ices with parked spacecraft.

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with important links and part 2
Click Here

1 comment:

  1. Comment to those who say life HAS to exist on other planets because of the vastness of space (100 billion stars per galaxy, 100 billion galaxies, 3 planets per star...)

    Consider this:

    For a monkey to type: “Maybe no other beings in universe” using one key-stroke per second will take the same time as the combined time on all the planets around all the stars in all the galaxies in the universe (4.0E39 seconds or 1.2E32 years).

    Given this, is it really improbable that in a mere 1.2E17 years life has only appeared once???

    Or to put it in another way: to randomly combine 28 letters to form a specific sentence takes 1,000 trillion times as long as the life of the universe (with one letter per second) – how long would it take to put together any form of DNA??????

    Food for thought....?
