
Monday, January 30, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure: Law of one and SSPS: Negative Forces

Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Cosmic Disclosure: Law of one and SSPS: Negative Forces

David Wilcock: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I'm here with Corey Goode.

And in this episode, we are continuing our stunning investigation, by popular demand, into the amazing correlations between what is in The Law of One material and Corey's own direct experience with the Secret Space Program.

There's a lot of things in here that many people might not catch. I've been a Law of One scholar since 1996, and so I've ferreted out some very interesting stuff that, even if you've read The Law of One, you might have skipped.

So, Corey, welcome back to the show.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: Okay, so Corey, when we last taped the show, you hadn't seen The Law of One at all. Has that changed since then?

Corey: Yes. Actually, I was able to read the first book of The Law of One. I only read it once.

And there's a lot to retain, so I'm going to need to read it a few more times, obviously.

David: Yeah. When I first got into it, I would spend 45 minutes without turning the page, just intensely concentrating. The verbiage is very difficult. And what I'm going to do for you guys is make sure that I try to interpolate this as much as possible.

But we are picking up where we left off in a previous episode, so let's just dive right back in.

CAN YOU NAME NAMES? ________________________________________________________

So can you name names? This is a question that's being asked.

| 11.19 Questioner: Can you name any of the recipients of the crusaders' – that is, any names that may be known on the planet today?

David: [The crusaders], of course, are the Draco beings.

So now, the questioner, Don Elkins, is basically trying to find out, okay, who has been contacted directly by the Draco? Can you actually give us a name?

And you know Ra is really touchy about that, because of free will. Unless somebody is dead, they can't. And even then, they're really worried about free will.

So the answer gets a little complex because of that.

| Ra:... I am desirous of being in nonviolation of the free will distortion.

David: So clearly, again, they don't want to say what's really going on here. They don't want to get too far over the edge.

| To name those involved in the future of your space/time is to infringe; thus, we withhold this information.

David: But of course, if they did, it would be the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati bloodline families . . .

Corey: Council of 300, all of the think tanks . . .

David: It's very clear that that's what they're kind of alluding to, but they don't really say. And they do actually mention people running the financial system at some point in here.

| We request your contemplation of the fruits of the actions of those entities whom you may observe enjoying the distortion towards power.

David: So there you have it right there. The distortion towards power just means people who have created financial power, worldly power. And these are the people that have had contact with what they're calling the Crusaders of the Orion, which is the Draco.

| In this way you may discern for yourself this information.

David: So have you noticed, Corey, in dealing with these beings yourself, that there are things that you'd like to ask that they balk on, they don't want to just give you the answer to every question that you ask them, like the Blue Avians?

Corey: Absolutely.

David: Could you give us some examples?

Corey: Not really because it has to do more with personal life kind of things going on.

David: Okay.

Corey: But the response is always, they've got to be careful of violating free will. And also, if they've given me information and I shared it in an unloving way, or not the right way, with another person, I've been talked to about violating the free will of others.

David: Well, you also, in one of our update episodes, described a situation where you injured your knee falling down a ramp coming out of the SSP craft, and that they didn't actually heal you.

Corey: Right. That was the Mayan group.

David: Yeah. And it was apparently you needed that karma for some reason.

Corey: Right.

David: Okay.

| We shall not interfere with the, shall we say, planetary game.

David: So clearly, there is some degree . . . They do talk about that the Guardians are allowed to make sure the harvest goes well. And “harvest” refers to this Ascension event.

But for a large amount of time, they don't really want to interfere. We have to do this ourselves.

And is that, again, similar to what you hear?

Corey: Yes, and interesting enough, this whole situation is referred to as a “game”, or “the game”, by a lot of the elites.

David: Ah! Right. So there's a lot of correlations here.

| It is not central to the harvest.

David: So this event is going to take place regardless of whether they tell us who these people are or not.

Corey: Right.

David: The real thing is about opening the heart, being more loving, more service-to-others oriented, as you've said so many times yourself.

Corey: Absolutely.

HOW DOES ORION TEACH? ________________________________________________________ David: Yeah. So how does Orion teach? This is a big question.

| 11.20 Questioner: How do the crusaders pass on their concepts to the incarnate individuals on Earth?

| Ra:... There are two main ways, just as there are two main ways of, shall we say, polarizing towards service to others.

There are those mind/body/spirit complexes upon your plane [people] who do exercises and perform disciplines in order to seek contact with sources of information and power leading to the opening of the gate to intelligent infinity.

David: Now, Corey, as you read this, the idea of “doing exercises and performing disciplines to see contact” - what does that remind you of, or what are you thinking would be happening that would relate to that?

Corey: Secret societies and the ancient mystery school teachings that they have taken and corrupted is what pops into my mind.

David: Are some of these people actually practicing meditation and trying to do – even if they're very negative – they're doing a meditation practice?

Corey: Oh, yeah. They meditate.

David: Okay. And do you think that all of the blood trauma type of stuff that they do is related to this, as well?

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Law of one and SSPS:
Negative Forces
click here

Cosmic Disclosure: Law of one and the SSPS: Consequences of Channeling

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