
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Will President Trump Disclose Antarctica Discovery to Start Economic Boom

By Dr. Michael Salla

According to Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode, preparations have been underway since 2002 to publicly announce the discovery of a flash frozen civilization in Antarctica.

Goode’s startling claim has received support from internet data mining expert, Cliff High, who, in a January 2017 report, refers to an economic boom caused by an Antarctica announcement in the next year or so.

Goode and High’s information leads to the intriguing possibility that President Donald Trump will authorize a major announcement about an Antarctica discovery in order to rejuvenate America’s manufacturing industry.

On December 11, 2016, Goode revealed that he had learned about a major excavation underway in Antarctica of a flash frozen civilization that was technologically highly advanced, and involved extraterrestrial life. He said that since 2002, teams of scientists and archeologists have been excavating the ruins which are buried under two miles of ice.

Critically, in early January 2017, Goode says he was taken to Antarctica to see the ruins for himself by an Inner Earth civilization he calls the “Anshar”. Goode said that bodies and artifacts that are extraterrestrial in origin were being removed and replaced by terrestrial objects from warehouses secretly located elsewhere around the planet. The goal appears to be one of both sanitizing the area of any extraterrestrial evidence, while seeding artifacts that steer scientific analysis towards a desired agenda.

Circumstantial support for Goode’s claim of a major Antarctica discovery being excavated comes from a series of recent VIP visitors to Antarctica in 2016. The list includes then US Secretary of State John Kerry, Apollo Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill, and Australia’s Governor General, Sir Peter Cosgrove.

    Buzz Aldrin in Antarctica

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with important links click here

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