
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure: Pushing the Limits of Disclosure With John Lear

Cosmic Disclosure:
Pushing the Limits of Disclosure With John Lear

David Wilcock: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I'm here with Corey Goode, and in this episode we are bringing you none other than John Lear, the son of the inventor of the Learjet. And in this first segment, you're going to see him share his background with you.

So without further ado, I bring you John Lear.

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JOHN'S STORY ___________________________________________________________________________

John Lear: You know, my dad was Bill Lear, and he developed the Learjet. And I was really totally involved in aviation from the beginning. And I flew for different airlines all over the world.

And in 1985, I started getting interested in this UFO thing, which I didn't believe in.

There's a reunion here every once in a while, or every couple of years, here in Las Vegas of Southeast Asia pilots. And [i] talking to one of the guys, and he mentioned that he'd been stationed at Bentwaters.

And I said, “Oh, that's where that saucer supposedly landed.”

And he said, “No, not supposedly, it did. I didn't see it, but I know the guys who did.”

And so I said, “You mean this stuff is real?”

And that's what started me on all this. And then everything I'd run into got me a little bit further.

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David: All right. In our next segment, we're going to get into some of the real meat of this, where we have a classic case in UFO literature.

I found out about this I think even before the Internet, because for me, prior to the age of the Internet, you would have to go to the bookstore, and you'd look for the new UFO books. And, of course, all that information is about a year out of date.

But one of the names that came up in those books was always Bob Lazar. Who is Bob Lazar? You're going to find out right now in this next segment. Let's take a look.

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BEGINNINGS OF AN INSIDER ___________________________________________________________________________

John Lear: His name was Gene Huff, the appraiser, and we were talking about UFOs.

And Bob Lazar was sitting there rolling his eyes, and he said, “You guys are nuts.” He said, “I worked at Los Alamos. If there had been anything secret like that, I would have known.”

And I've heard that so many times. It's incredibly ignorant people that say, “I would have known.” Ha, ha, ha.

Anyway, during the rest of the summer, we gave Bob enough information that he could check with his friends that still worked at Los Alamos to find out that, well, yeah, something is going on because they do know a lot of stuff.

So he called up Dr. Teller, who he had met at Los Alamos, and said he wanted to re-enter the scientific field. And Teller said, “Do you want to work with me at Livermore here in California, or do you want to work in Nevada?”

Bob said, “I want to work at Area 51.”

Teller said, “Okay, let me get back with you.”

So this was in October of '88, and Bob then, over the next several weeks, got three interviews.

And he'd go down to EG&G, which is Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, and there was a panel, and they interviewed him.

And he aced all the interviews. I mean, he was just right up with everything they wanted to know as far as scientific, and where he'd been, and what he'd studied in college and all that kind of stuff.

The second interview, their first question was, what's your relationship with John Lear? And what else do you do with John?

And so there was definitely interest there.

He used to come over in the evening, and we'd bullshit about what was going on. He said, “I saw a disc today.”

And I said, “What?”

“I saw a disc?”

I said, “Theirs or ours?”

He said, “Theirs.”

I said, “You went to Area 51?”

And he said, “Yeah.”

And I said, “Well, what are you doing here?” I said, “You know they followed you. Why don't you just work for a while, find out what's going on, and THEN talk about it?”

He said, “John, you've taken so much crap over the past few years.” He said, “I wanted to tell you it's true. I was in it. I touched it. It's not ours. It's from billions of light years away or wherever.”

And so that's how I met Bob. And he worked for the next few months.

And he'd tell us when the test flights were going to be, always on a Wednesday night. And we'd drive out there and take photos or videos and stuff.

One of the times, we got caught. And that's when the security guards stopped us within the test site.

We were still on BLM land, and it was legal, but they said, 'We can make it awful difficult for you if you stay here.”

So we left and got out on the highway, and that's when the Lincoln County sheriff stopped us.

“Get out of the car; hands up,” you know, all that stuff. They wanted to know two things: why are there four people in his car – or five people now – and there was only four when the security stopped you?And Bob had run out in the desert.

And the other thing was, “Where's the 9-millimeter?” Because Bob had said he got the 9-millimeter.

After about an hour, the sheriff – and I used to know his name real well – he said, “I don't know why I've been told this, but I've been told to let you guys go and not to say anything more.”

So we drove home, and early the next morning is when Dennis Mariana, the guy that Bob worked for, said, “Bob, don't go to the airplane. I'm going to pick you up. We're going to go up to Indian Springs.”

And Indian Springs is now Creech Air Force Base, and that's where the center for all test site security activities are.

And they took him there, took him out of the car with a gun in his ear and said, “Now, Bob, when we gave you this clearance, it didn't mean you were supposed to take all your friends and tell them about the flying saucers.” Ha, ha.

So at that time, Bob's wife was having an affair with her flight instructor, which Bob didn't know about, but which they knew about, because they were listening to all his phones.

Everything was tapped – my house, Bob's house, Gene's house, everything.

So they said, “When you get your life straightened out, you're welcome to come back.”

And Bob said the reason he never went back was the fact that the last two trips he made up to Area 51, he could remember getting on the 737 to go to Groom Lake and getting off, but nothing in between – no working, no what he did, none of that. So that bothered him.

He wanted to know what he was going to be working on, but their mind control is so far advanced now.

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David: So, Corey, I wanted to start when he mentioned Edgarton, Germeshausen, and Grier, I think is the name of the EG&G defense contractor.

Corey: EG&G is one of these ICC companies that pops up all over the place.

David: Okay, so they are directly involved in reverse-engineering spacecraft of an advanced nature?

Corey: Yes, yes, working on different components of them.

David: Okay, now, he also mentioned Los Alamos, and some people might be tut-tutting on that one and saying, “Oh, that's just a nuclear facility.”

Are they really only messing around with nuclear weapons there, or is there something more?

Corey: No, there's always other programs being run underneath. I thought it was very interesting when he stated that Bob Lazar rolled his eyes and said, “If there's anything going on there, I would have know about it.”

I had an incident when I worked at the Federal Reserve. One of the guys that worked under me, out of the blue, stands up from his desk, turns to me, and – he was in the Air Force for like eight years – and he said, “I worked at all these places that they say UFOs are being flown at and reverse-engineered.”

And he said, “If this really existed, I would know about it.” And he was just looking at me.

And I was like, “Hmm.”

David: Right.

Corey: So that's a common thing. A lot of people would work all around this type of activity and, because of the compartmentalization, have no idea what's going on.

David: So if he said that after going back to Area 51 a couple times and having no memory of the work that he did there, and Lear is saying the mind control technology has gotten that good, is it possible that he also had experienced things at Los Alamos and had gotten blank slated on that as well?

Corey: He was absolutely blank slated. They had developed the bank slating process way earlier on astronauts, people involved in the space program.

And they were even using some of that in our first nuclear program. They were doing studies and doing mind wipes on people chemically, all different types of methods.

So this is something that goes back to World War II.

David: Okay, now I want to get into Bob Lazar with you in some detail, because the original testimony was extremely fascinating. It shaped my whole career, and he really didn't touch on it at all, but he is the center of how that came into being.

So the first thing I want to throw at you is Element 115. Bob Lazar's testimony was that there was a super heavy, i.e., “transuranic element”, that has an atomic weight of 115, and that that was the source of propulsion for the ship.

Now, at the time those books came out, no one had been able to get that heavy of an element to actually form, but Lazar said that once you get up past, I think it was 112 or 113, that all of a sudden it's not radioactive anymore – it becomes a stable element – but that it's very dense, and all you have to do is shoot protons at it, and it gives off tremendous amounts of energy, and that's how the ship is powered.

And there's a little sphere that the Element 115 is in. It's like a triangle of it. Then there's a tube that goes up, which he called a waveguide. And that this was the propulsion system of the ship.

So I'm wondering if any of that aspect of Lazar's testimony is anything you can comment on or clarify for us?

Corey: Was he saying that the propulsion and the power plant were one and the same?

David: Yes.

Corey: Okay, that would make sense for some of the more advanced extraterrestrial craft. But a lot of them were just using torsion field engines that were very similar to like the Glocke . . .

David: Okay.

Corey: . . . that had a separate power plant that would funnel high amounts of electricity to these torsion drives. And there would usually be three of them on most of these craft.

David: That's a very important part of what Lazar said as well, and I want to get to that in a minute.

Are you familiar with the idea that elements that are super heavy, i.e., with an atomic weight up around 115, could become stable again and non-radioactive, that you could actually hold them without dying?

Corey: The periodic table that was on the wall of various craft I was in when I was working with the scientists had way more than 112 or 114 or 118 elements on it.

David: Really?

Corey: [Shakes head to confirm this.]

David: All right, in this next segment, we're going to get into Lear and his father's aeronautics company's role in developing what we now think of as the Secret Space Program. This is very fascinating. Check it out.

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THE SSP AND THE ISS ___________________________________________________________________________

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Pushing the Limits of Disclosure With John Lear Click Here

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