
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sheldan Nidle Update: Creation

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation of Light

Galactic Federation Symbol for the
Sirian Star Nation

This week, the Galactic Federation informed Sheldan that there is nothing new to report. Stay tuned for next week's Update to be posted on April 4.

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Since there is not an update for today, I'm posting an excerpt from Sheldan's book, Your First Contact. This book is jam-packed with valuable, awe-inspiring information I didn't know how to choose. So, I simply asked Spirit to guide me for the right passage. I opened the book and here is the message I received. Enjoy reading.

Excerpt from Your First Contact ~ Chapter: The Lord of Lights (page 118)

As noted, the Creator's divine thought~~divine WILL itself~~contains the master super hologram (the All of All or the Light of Lights). Each unique piece of the divine plan's potential exists inside of it. Within divine WILL are contained ALL dimensions, as well as ALL realities. The consciousness of the Creator (divine intention) is now manifesting the implicit orderings of this Creation.

As gatekeepers, dear Hearts, we are required to shift these special information-energies about in continuous, swirling motion. To do this in an accurate and efficient manner, we have established myriad Orders, Councils, and Administrations. The Angelic Orders are responsible to the grand Councils of the Creator ~~the Councils of A-E-O-N. The Orders, in turn, crate a vast number of councils comprised of the Divine Presences (Ascended Ones) of each reality. These Councils are also organized into sector Administrations that gien guidance to parts (clusters) of similar realities existing in each physical dimension of this Creation.

In this way, blessed Ones, the divine orders of Heaven work to bring divine grace and intention into physicality. This process also feeds the sacred wisdom of physicality back into Spirit. Its constant interaction has a distinct name: 'the Manifestation of the Divine Plan'.

This wondrous process is carried out in full collaboration with the many Orders of Heaven and brings us to an important point. Creation, dear Hearts, is a joint act of Spirit and ALL of physicality. Each of these unique elements is a sacred and necessary part of the whole. In order to attain an understanding of each one, opportunities to experience the superb and special qualities of both must exist. This task is the sole responsibility of a most important segment of the many Orders of Heaven~~physical Angels.

The Lineage of Heaven extends throughout Creation. Life is a product of the process of Creation. Like the many Orders of Light, physical life has many branches, all equally sacred to the Creator. Each branch of physical life weaves a distinct design, using divine grace, which provides a certain path to divine wisdom. In physicality, Life has produces a seemingly endless pattern of sentient life forms. Heaven's task, dear Ones, is to provide a full spectrum of experiences for each incarnated soul in these many diverse realities. Soul growth emerges as a result of experiencing this multitudinous diversity. With each provision of experience that they bring, the Orders of Light edge closer to the fulfillment of their holy objectives.

Every exchange between the physical and spiritual realms gives each Lineage an experience of physical Creation. That is, each incarnated soul brings to Heaven a unique set of experiences to be shared with her/his Lineage. This procedure is called 'the bringing of the knowledge'. Owing to the procedure, Heaven's Lineage is constantly guiding the life experiences of all souls in physicality. Each soul's experience leads to sacred knowledge (wisdom) in the ways of physicality. Each experience as well permits the Orders of Light to gradually merge the realms of Heaven with the physical. As you can see, one main purpose of this sixth Creation is the eventual reunion of Earth and Heaven. In order for this to be accomplished, physical Angels (incarnated Souls) have been brought forth by the Creator. They are given into the care of the holy spirits of the physical realm. Heaven's gift to such incarnated souls is a dispensation from the Creator which allows them to return to Heaven from time to time.

Life in the physical is a momentous journey filled with many unique experiences and rare sensations. During a lifetime in physicality, you are also provided with opportunities to assist the work of the great Devic kingdom. The Devas are sent into the physical to guide the development of the countless creations found in a planet's biosphere. As they carry out their assignments, the Devas may require the assistance of physical Angels in maintaining the direction and purpose given to physicality by the divine plan.

In the Creator's divine plan, each part connects, uniquely, to every other. At first glance, this divine plan may appear to exist as a great randomness. In fact, its unpredictability demonstrates an implicit ordering of time and space. This random order occurs simultaneously in what you know as the past, present, and future.

In addition, the process is quite elastic. It can change every so slightly when Spirit, its co-creator, insists. In the manifestation of its full potential, every aspect of Creation is planned by the highest components of the Divine. This seemingly random interaction between Spirit and the Creator is inherent in the divine plan. This blueprint is a thought of perfection, a pure path of divine wisdom, revealed by Spirit. To expand on these matters, dear Ones, let me know turn you over to Lord Aescapulus.


book from Sheldan Nidle & Galactic Federation

Since childhood, Sheldan Nidle (author of the bestselling, “You Are Becoming a Galactic Human”) has had access to vital information regarding Earth’s hidden history and amazing data on extraterrestrial science, culture and spirituality. Now, as the End Times for great changes approach, he is able to share this new knowledge with you for the first time. “Your First Contact” will take you on an amazing journey into Earth’s past, present and future. It will give you a comprehensive overview of your off-world origins, your true purpose and your spiritual destiny.

In these pages, you will discover:

▪ How your First Contact will actually
▪ Why your RNA/DNA is changing from 2
   strands to 12
▪ What role Star Beings play in your
▪ How Earth and the solar system will
▪ Why your ascension into a fifth-dimensional being is at hand

“Your First Contact” describes where we came from, why we’re here, and where we are going in this vast experiment in consciousness. Join our Sirian tour guides for the ultimate E-ticket ride of your life.

To order Your First Contact paperback book or Your First Contact E-Book, Click Here

$19.75 U.S. Plus S&H paperback book
$9.95 U.S. E-book

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