
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Cosmic Disclosure: Allying with the MIC SSP

Corey Goode and David Wicock
Cosmic Disclosure: Allying with the MIC SSP

David Wilcock: All right, welcome to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and we here with Corey Goode for another fascinating update. Without further ado, let's hit the ground running. Corey, welcome back to the show.
Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: More recently, you have started to interact with a Military-Industrial Complex Secret Space Program. There are a lot of movies out there that, according to Pete Peterson in one of the briefings he gave me recently, are showing hardware that this group actually possesses. And they're putting it out in the open – a movie like “The Avengers” that has a flying aircraft carrier.

So what is your knowledge about how this MIC group is working with Hollywood in maybe getting us ready for things that they're going to show us?

Corey: Well, according to Sigmund and everyone else I've talked to, they are planning on doing a slow, I guess, disclosure of a certain type of secret space program that, as I stated before, the DIA, NSA and Air Force have control of.

And they plan on making this program known, which most of the activity happens within 500 miles of the Earth. They have space stations and manned satellites within that 500 mile range.

And that's most of that zone that they have control over.

David: In Ronald Reagan's own handwritten book of his memoirs – comes out in 1985 while he's still President – he kind of let slip that he was aware that we could put 300 people up into orbit. And there was certainly nothing having to do with the space shuttle that would have anywhere near the capacity to hold 300 people.

So what was he talking about there?

Corey: He was referring to this program. This program . . . There are several decent sized space stations. There are manned satellites that have anywhere from three, six, eight men on duty, or I should say people on duty, that are serviced by these triangular craft. And they exchange personnel and supplies.

This is the information that our President recently received in a briefing.

David: Really?

Corey: He received a very low-level briefing and was upset because he knew it was a low-level briefing.

David: We have reason to believe that Trump's uncle was involved with some of this classified information as well. What is your knowledge about that?

Corey: His uncle, whose name was John G. Trump, and was a MIT professor or scientist at the time, had actually been called to go out to Tesla's property after he passed away to help remove all of the paperwork and experiments.

So this could very well explain some of the comments that the current President made very recently.

If you remember his inauguration speech, he mentioned a few interesting things about hidden technologies at the very end.

DONALD TRUMP – 2017 INAUGURATION SPEECH _______________________________________________________________
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries, and technologies of tomorrow.”
David: So he's describing technologies that could include free energy, that could include age reversal, or at least disease reduction, stuff that seems pretty out of the box.

And it's a big cowboy move for him to make promises like that in his inaugural address. So granted, people would say, “Well, yeah, politicians, they just make stuff up all the time”, but is there something more to these statements?

Corey: Well, you take that his uncle was involved with this free energy-type technology, or allegedly, then he may have heard things down the family line about free energy being invented and available.

So he may have had that information. And when he received the briefings, he realized that he wasn't getting the full information from his security advisers.

David: You seem pretty confident that Trump thinks that he only got low-level information when he was told about the Military-Industrial Complex Secret Space Program.

Corey: Right. He wasn't told about any free energy, any of these healing technologies, in this briefing. But he sent a secret presidential memo, according to the information I received, to the Department of Energy, to the DoD and another group, requesting that, or basically demanding that they declassify over 1,000 patents . . .

David: Wow!

Corey: . . . out of 5,700 or so. And, I guess, some people may not know, but it's documented that there are at least 5,700 patents that have been deemed harmful to national security.

David: Why would somebody invent something and then thousands and thousands of things are not being allowed to be shown to us?

Corey: Well, it comes to, I guess, the almighty dollar. Advanced energy technology would put the oil companies out of business. Advanced healing technology would put people even more powerful – the pharmaceutical conglomerates – out of business.

David: So what happened when the President asked for these patents to be declassified? That seems like a really strong and bold move.

Corey: Yeah. He received the typical pushback, and these groups said it would take at least 10 years for us to get all of this ready, but we'll start working on it right away.

David: 10 years?

Corey: Yes, and . . .

David: That's ridiculous.

Corey: He immediately pushed back that he wanted them released in the next three years.

David: You've mentioned Sigmund and that he has started to, perhaps, believe that what you're saying is true. He's taken hair samples from you. He's proven that you were at these places that you say that you were.

How is he handling the fact that you may know something that's true? What is he doing with that knowledge?

Corey: He basically hit the roof. He was extremely upset. He approached his superiors in a very upset manner and told them, “Listen. I feel like you're not giving me the full information.”

Some of them became concerned because they felt like they weren't getting the full data. So they have allowed him to start an investigation to investigate this Navy program.

David: 'They' the higher ups?

Corey: Yes. His superiors have then authorized him to begin this investigation, which he's been undertaking.

David: What is the nature of that investigation?

Corey: To establish the details and existence of a Navy secret space program that is more active in the outer Solar System and other solar systems. They really want to find out the details of this alleged Navy Secret Space Program, because as he said to me – and I will clean it up – he said, “I used to think we were the tip of the spear, but I found out we're the f**ing Coast Guard.”

David: Ha, ha, ha.

Corey: And not to put down the Coast Guard in any way, . . .

David: Sure.

Corey: . . . but he was talking about strategically. They thought they were the tip of the spear, keeping the planet safe and surveilling the planet, when they're just basically the Coast Guard. And the Navy Secret Space Program and other programs are the tip of the spear.

David: Do they have anything beyond this 500-mile radius around the Earth that you said?

Corey: Yes, they have very small locations on the Moon, and I hear further out, but I haven't verified where all of their assets are.

David: Anything on Mars?

Corey: I've heard rumor of that, but that I haven't verified.

David: When you say, 'very small', how many personnel would be able to work there?

Corey: I haven't had numbers, but I would assume it would be maybe 30 at the most.

David: Oh, wow!

Corey: Yeah, very small facilities.

David: Right. What might they be doing out there? What would be their objective of being there?

Corey: That's their mandate, to protect the planet and surveil the planet.

David: So it's like a surveillance and military defense outpost.

Corey: Right.

David: So the MIC group is Air Force. Is this the extent of the Air Force's involvement in a space program, or is there another aspect to the Air Force that is in what you're calling the Secret Space Program?

Corey: They're involved in other aspects of other programs, but anything that they're working on, they don't communicate that information to this MIC Secret Space Program because they don't have a need to know.

As a matter of fact, this MIC Secret Space Program, when they're out in their space stations or flying around, they're told that anything they see that flies by that's much faster than what they are flying, they're told that those craft are concept craft that their peers are developing.

David: Has Sigmund started to utilize you as an asset in any way to inform others who may be curious about whether this Navy Secret Space Program is real?

Corey: He had prepped me that he was going to start having me do briefings of various VIPs.

David: Oh!

Corey: So I was kind of preparing myself for that. And the last time we were here shooting Cosmic Disclosure, I was very shocked, and I believe you were too, when we saw in the same hotel we were staying in, this SAS forum was there.

It's a Human Spaceflight and Exploration Forum.

David: Yeah, I have to say that walking around and seeing all that in physical form right in front of me, it did literally make the hairs stand up on both of my arms.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Allying with the MIC SSP Click Here

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