
Thursday, April 27, 2017

One Who Knows: RE: Cobra, I Stand By My Statement

By One Who Knows April 27, 2017

RE: Cobra, I Stand By My Statement

I noticed a post about "The Resistance" that had something to do with Cobra and Me. I didn't read it as it was not interesting. For the record, I still stand by my statements on Cobra. Here is the post:

Prepare For Change: Response to Discredit Attempt of the Resistance Movement

Just a couple of Points:

#1) I NEVER said ANYTHING bad about the Resistance, how could I? We are the resistance, the ground crew, the Light Workers. So when they try to expand my criticism to the Resistance, that is stupid, misleading, and frankly a way to deflect what I had actually said. I am here to tell you that I am a proud member of the Resistance and will do everything that I can to stop the Cabal and to help bring in the Golden Age of Gaia for us all.

#2) I still stand by my statement that Cobra is pushing a Cabal agenda when he/she/they say that the Dinar and Zim will not revalue. That is ridiculous as the Zim is the star of the GCR, and the Dinar is the most widely held of all the First basket currencies. This does nothing but cause FEAR to the resistance, us, the Light Workers who hold these currencies. I am here to tell you that both of those currencies WILL REVALUE BIG TIME.

#3) I still stand by my statement that Cobra is pushing a Cabal agenda when he/she/they say that we are still being threatened by "Toplet Bombs" when in fact they have ALL been removed a long time ago. This is FEAR PORN and has no place in the Resistance Movement. This is the Cabal Agenda to keep us in FEAR by asserting that there is something to fear. I am here to tell the Resistance that there is NOTHING TO FEAR about Toplet Bombs as they have been dealt with by the Galactic Forces and are long gone.

#4) I still stand by my statement that Cobra is pushing a Cabal agenda when he/she/they say that Light Workers are being attacked and targeted by some type of energy weapon. I have it from top sources and good authority that that is NOT TRUE. To be clear, there was some of that going on before, but that has been handled and is NOT A THREAT anymore. This is the Cabal Agenda to keep us in FEAR by asserting that there is something to fear. I am here to tell the Resistance that there is NOTHING TO FEAR about energy weapons as they have been dealt with by the Galactic Forces and NOT A THREAT.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that claiming that I am against the Resistance, is Cabal 101 strategy. Clearly, I am for the resistance and have done my personal best to reveal the truth and call out disinformation whenever it rears its ugly head. If the Cobra organization or their proponents want to address this, then restate your position on: #1) The Revaluation of the Dinar and Zim, #2) Acknowledge the complete removal of the Toplet Bombs, and #3) Acknowledge that the Light Workers are no longer in danger from these Energy Weapons.

DO NOT claim that I am anti-resistance when my words and actions PROVE otherwise. It only makes you look foolish. Instead address the actual issues that I mentioned. I suggest that you read my posts and feel my heart, before you respond with such laughable accusations.

May We Get Everything We Want and Live The Life Of Our Dreams/Plans

Signed: One Who Knows

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