
Monday, May 08, 2017

Calling All Light Workers

"Calling All Light Workers"
One Who Knows - 5/07/2017

I am calling all Light Workers to take a stand against the Cabal, their Minions and their Trolls. This is the final push to get the GCR over the finish line and the Evil ones are doing their best to keep it from happening. I am glad to call them out for who they are and to expose them and their agenda to the World. While IDC (inteldinarchronicles) stays clean and clear for the most part, we are needed to stamp out this nonsense wherever it is.

I have a plan so that each and every one of our Light Workers in our SUPERIOR numbers and forces can trounce them once and for all. They are on the run, and have no power left but Fear and Disinformation. We can help our Light Forces Brothers and Sisters put an end to that nonsense once and for all.

Time To Take ACTION!!!!

Whenever you find a video, or website or chat room that is spouting the No GCR, No ZIM, FEAR PORN, I want you to post THESE TWO LINKS in the comment section, or send them to the website administrator, or the website comments section.

This way, I WILL TAKE THE HEAT, not you. These are my posts and are putting these nay-sayers on notice that they could and will, be held responsible for what they are saying in their posts, their videos, and their websites. Frankly Notice is not required to be guilty of Harming the Public, but it makes it that much better if they are notified about it.

We Will Trick The Minions

The FUN and genius of this plan, is that the link looks like it is "Against" the ZIM and the GCR, because it says "guilty-of-financial-fraud-on-zim" and this will make the nay-sayers read it thinking it supports their cause, then BAM! They realize that they could be in BIG TROUBLE instead. It actually tricks the nay-sayer into finding out what they are saying will keep them from being able to exchange themselves. Then the Message from Grandfather says that Disinformation will no longer be tolerated in any way shape or form. This gives them notice. PLENTY OF NOTICE!!!!

Also, not only does posting these two links give notice to the video owner, and the web page master, it is there for the ones who watch their videos to click on as well. This will neutralize these Minions and their dirty work. To be clear, don’t go looking for this stuff as it will only lower your vibration, but instead, post these two links in places where you already visit anyway.

How great would it be to have these two links SUDDENLY posted all over the net, for all to see? Where ever these links show up, those people have been outed for all to see. Also, it makes a great case for later when the good guys stop them from exchanging, as they have records that these links were posted on their site and videos. Remember, "Ignorance of the Law is NO excuse!!!!"

Pass This Post To Others, We Need EVERY Light Worker To Take Action!

Pass the link to this post to everyone you know. WE HAVE A BIGGER NETWORK OF REAL LIGHT WORKERS THAN DOES ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD. We ARE the heart of this Resistance against the Cabal.

Let's Let Them FEEL Our Presence AND Our Numbers!!!!

Let these links show up EVERY WHERE. I can't do it all myself. I'll handle these minions who show up in our house, but I need you to help me reach those minions who are harming people elsewhere. Interestingly, I can imagine videos that are particularly harmful, having lots and lots of comments on that one video from different Light Workers who are tagging that video as harmful by putting these links in the comments section. Anyone who doesn't know what is going on, will see all those DIFFERENT posters putting these two links above, and will click on them to see what it is all about, and when they do, you have done your job to help save them from the Minions who want to harm them.


May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans

Signed: One Who Knows

Thanks to:

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