
Sunday, May 07, 2017

One Who Knows: Notice And Warning To All Cabal Actors


By One Who Knows

Notice & Warning To: All Cabal Actors

It seems that the Cabal "Actors" are doing their best at this late stage of the game to harm as many people as they can. As you know, it is my mission to keep the disinformation out of "Our House." In that regard, we are blessed to be one of the best places for information on our new World, the GCR, and Disclosure. However, other websites and places on the web are not so fortunate as we are. While I don't go and seek out the Bad Cabal actors elsewhere on the net, others, doing their good deeds for Humanity, bring them to my attention anyway. So, it is time to Whack a few more Cabal Minions and Trolls and put them on notice. I am calling out these Bad Cabal actors for the good of our community and the World as a whole.

Cabal Trolls At Work (#1)

Before I even start here, I am NOT calling out Elizabeth Trutwin, as I understand from Sananda (Jesus), that she is NOT to blame. The way I understand it from Sananda, her Ascension Message is Valid and VERY Good, but it was hijacked by Cabal operatives. I'll put the two links to it for you to read:


Prepare for Ascension A Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, April 29, 2016

This one was brought to my attention today and is "Reported" to be From Sananda, and I found out that most of it is in fact from Sananda, but some Cabal Troll inserted this CABAL part into Elizabeth Trutwin's Sananda Message, I quote:
"Revaluation will never happen. As you hold Dinar, Dong or other Currency, Cash Them In Now Ascension has never, never been about money. Those cabal, those few wanting to control the many hired an actress to tell the story that many could be helped with the money coming after revaluation. This was always a complete lie by someone bought and sold."
I can hardly believe that this has been posted on the web. As we know here, the Revaluation is the leveling of the World out of poverty to where every country is an equal. It is a new World of fairness, and freedom, without wars. The money from the revaluated currencies serve to eliminate lack, poverty, sickness, and save mother nature form the pollution and toxins in our World. I can tell you right Now this is NOT a message from our ascended Master Sananda, Jesus as he was known. This is a message from the Cabal, to keep you from escaping their hold over you. They want you to remain in Lack, enslaved in your poverty and sickness. This message about the Currency Revaluations is a PURE CABAL agenda and those who wrote this and published it are Traitors of the highest order.

Remember Grandfathers last Message:

"Message from Grandfather" - One Who Knows - 4.24.17

In this message he states that no one shall distribute disinformation and especially harmful disinformation which this is. Whomever was guilty of hijacking Elizabeth Trutwin's Sananda Ascension Message, shall be found out and dealt with. This is a crime of monumental proportions as it can cause people to lose Millions, Billions, and even Trillions of dollars. This is a Financial Crime of the Highest Order and will be punished as such under the new Laws of the Republic and GESARA. Remember this Message to those who spread disinformation about the Zim and the currency Revaluation:

"Guilty of Financial Fraud on Zim?" - One Who Knows - 3.30.17

To those who are responsible for this crime against Humanity and the New World, you will be found out and dealt with. Don't think that you will not. No one can run or hide, NOT in this World, NOT any more.

Message From Sananda

By the way, in talking with Sananda about his ascension message that he gave Elizabeth Trutwin, he did confirm that it was his message and the part about Ascension was true and very worth reading (See Links Above). However the part that was inserted (About the Revaluation) WAS NOT FROM HIM. Here is Sananda's direct message to you:

************* Begin Message ***************

I am Sananda in service to mother/father Creator. I come to you in light and love. I have heard some disinformation upon your placement. This disinformation states that I am not in agreement with the unfolding of the GCR/RV do ye not know, that St. Germain and I are close companions? Do ye ones not know that we come in service to the one source? How then could this great shift from hate and control to love and light take place. If we do not help you in retaining all control. What say you? It is high time you ones learn to follow your heart and not the words mentioned by deceptive agents. Do you not see that all this has only one goal and that is not to get you to believe...and know? All the treasures of the most high are indeed yours. Are you dismayed regarding the roll out? It is rolling out. Just not in your sight but it will be soon. And then you will know like I know all this was none sense. They are liars from the beginning. What makes you ones think they will not lie in the end?

In service to Mother/Father Creator, Salu. I Am Sananda.

************* End Message ***************

Please keep a record of any losses you may have experienced by #1) Getting rid of your Zim, or other currencies due to the Cabal part inserted into Sananda's message, or #2) Or not buying zim or other currencies because of the misrepresentation of its true value. In the new system of DO NO HARM, these should be "Actionable" offences and thus be levied against any of their personal proceeds. This type of Financial Fraud will NOT be tolerated and WILL be dealt with. However, please note that the perpetrators of this crime may not have as much money as they think, since they will most likely NOT be able to redeem any of their currencies. So any claims you have may have to be levied against their other assets instead.

Cabal Trolls At Work (#2)

This information is second hand and so I will give them the benefit of the doubt and an opportunity to come here and correct their message. Should they not do so, I will have to assume that what I have been told is in fact true.

It has been told to me that Admin Bill, of WSOMN, who has a following and thus a Responsibility to be truthful, has stated in a recent message to his followers:

The Zim will be $0.03 (3 cents) per zim and will have 6 zeros lopped off before calculating the exchange rate.

It has been made clear by the highest authority in this revaluation, namely the Author of this plan, and the one who's gold is backing this revaluation, Grandfather, that there will be NO zeros lopped off the Zim, or any other currency for that matter.

This is highly irresponsible of Admin Bill to post this nonsense, and he will be held accountable for these actions. BILL Please Read This Post:

"Guilty of Financial Fraud on Zim?" - One Who Knows - 3.30.17

To those who are responsible for this crime against Humanity and the New World, you will be found out and dealt with. Don't think that you will not. No one can run or hide, NOT in this World, NOT any more.

Message From Sananda

By the way, in talking with Sananda about his ascension message that he gave Elizabeth Trutwin, he did confirm that it was his message and the part about Ascension was true and very worth reading (See Links Above). However the part that was inserted (About the Revaluation) WAS NOT FROM HIM. Here is Sananda's direct message to you:

************* Begin Message ***************

I am Sananda in service to mother/father Creator. I come to you in light and love. I have heard some disinformation upon your placement. This disinformation states that I am not in agreement with the unfolding of the GCR/RV do ye not know, that St. Germain and I are close companions? Do ye ones not know that we come in service to the one source? How then could this great shift from hate and control to love and light take place. If we do not help you in retaining all control. What say you? It is high time you ones learn to follow your heart and not the words mentioned by deceptive agents. Do you not see that all this has only one goal and that is not to get you to believe...and know? All the treasures of the most high are indeed yours. Are you dismayed regarding the roll out? It is rolling out. Just not in your sight but it will be soon. And then you will know like I know all this was none sense. They are liars from the beginning. What makes you ones think they will not lie in the end?

In service to Mother/Father Creator, Salu. I Am Sananda.

************* End Message ***************

Please keep a record of any losses you may have experienced by #1) Getting rid of your Zim, or other currencies due to the Cabal part inserted into Sananda's message, or #2) Or not buying zim or other currencies because of the misrepresentation of its true value. In the new system of DO NO HARM, these should be "Actionable" offences and thus be levied against any of their personal proceeds. This type of Financial Fraud will NOT be tolerated and WILL be dealt with. However, please note that the perpetrators of this crime may not have as much money as they think, since they will most likely NOT be able to redeem any of their currencies. So any claims you have may have to be levied against their other assets instead.

Cabal Trolls At Work (#2)

This information is second hand and so I will give them the benefit of the doubt and an opportunity to come here and correct their message. Should they not do so, I will have to assume that what I have been told is in fact true.

It has been told to me that Admin Bill, of WSOMN, who has a following and thus a Responsibility to be truthful, has stated in a recent message to his followers:

The Zim will be $0.03 (3 cents) per zim and will have 6 zeros lopped off before calculating the exchange rate.

It has been made clear by the highest authority in this revaluation, namely the Author of this plan, and the one who's gold is backing this revaluation, Grandfather, that there will be NO zeros lopped off the Zim, or any other currency for that matter.

This is highly irresponsible of Admin Bill to post this nonsense, and he will be held accountable for these actions. BILL Please Read This Post:

"Guilty of Financial Fraud on Zim?" - One Who Knows - 3.30.17

To Bill's Followers:

Please keep a record of any losses you may have experienced by #1) Getting rid of your Zim due to Admin Bill's value assessment, or #2) Or not buying zim because of his misrepresentation of its true value. This can easily lead to a multi-Trillion dollar loss to those who follow his misinformation. In the new system of DO NO HARM, these should be "Actionable" offences and thus be levied against any of his personal proceeds. This type of Financial Fraud will NOT be tolerated and WILL be dealt with. However, please note that he may not have as much money as he thinks, since he will most likely NOT be able to redeem his zim, and maybe not any of his currencies for that matter. There is a new Sheriff in town that will not permit this. So any claims you have may have to be levied against some of his other personal assets instead.

Cabal Trolls At Work (#3)

This is notice to: Awakein3D, You have been named as an accomplice to Admin Bill and others like him. While I do not have recent firsthand knowledge of this, I am sure that someone has audio Recordings about your "Feelings" on the ZIM. I know that I have heard them myself in the past. They are damning to say the least, but are they "Actionable?" I don’t know, that is not my work to decide and pursue. It is only my work to point out Disinformation in Dinarland to keep the likes of those like you from causing HUGE FINANCIAL HARM to those who are gullible and believe what you say.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that these matters are now being closely monitored. It is not my work to arrest anyone or seize their exchange money, that is on others who are working on that as we speak. It is only my job, or should I say joy, to alert you to these Cabal Agenda Deceptions so that you are not taken in by them. I wish I could be present to see these people try to exchange their currencies after what they have said to you about them. It would make a great YouTube video for sure. Needless to say, they also cause their friends and family to be(come) suspects since they may try to have others exchange their currency for them. This should give notice to other Trolls and Misinformation agents, that this WILL NOT BE TOLERATED anymore and that you will have a surprise waiting for you at your exchange time. Good Luck with that!

May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans

Signed: One Who Knows

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