
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Did Extraterrestrials from Venus Make Contact in 1952?

By Dr. Michael Salla

Did Extraterrestrials from Venus
Make Contact in 1952?

French researcher Michel Zirger has written a highly detailed book on extraterrestrial contact which highlights the encounters of George Adamski with alleged extraterrestrials from Venus. In We Are Here: Visitors without a Passport (2017), Zirger provides a solid overview of a collection of photos and testimonies backing up Adamski’s famed November 20, 1952 encounter near Desert Center, California. Zirger points out that Adamski’s encounter was the first documented contact case with an occupant from a flying saucer craft, widely believed to be a Venusian extraterrestrial.

Six witnesses saw two UFO craft on the day of Adamski’s encounter. The first was a large cigar shaped craft that flew overhead, and the second was a smaller saucer shaped scout craft that landed. From the scout craft an occupant emerged to meet with Adamski, who claimed to be from the planet Venus and went by the name, Orthon.

In his book, Zirger includes digitally enhanced copies of the original photos taken at Adamski’s encounter which show both the scout craft hovering before landing, and its occupant who emerged after the landing. The photos were enhanced by Danish artist Rene Erik Olsen who has made the Desert Landing photos available on his website.

(C) Rene Erik Olsen 2017

Furthemore, the six witnesses signed an affidavit supporting Adamski’s version of events that was subsequently published in his 1953 co-written book, The Flying Saucers Have Landed. Zirger cites one of the witnesses, George Hunt Williamson, who was recorded to say during a lecture:

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with important links and video
Click Here

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