
Monday, December 11, 2017

James Gilliland Update: Hecho en Mexico

December Update
Hecho en Mexico

by James Gilliland

December 10, 2017

I am sitting in my favorite breakfast spot in a beautiful little fishing village which shall go unnamed, contemplating "Do I continue to cover this insane world or escape into a world of my own?"

I am sitting in my favorite breakfast spot in a beautiful little fishing village which shall go unnamed contemplating - do I continue to cover this insane world or escape into a world of my own. ECETI was created to be a different world where people would live a spiritual life in harmony with nature as a template yet no man/woman is an island.

There are just a few Huichol (Native Americans in Mexico) - two in counting - asking for coins, but for the better part the homeless and jobless are far and few between. Might be something America can learn from this. The family unit is very strong here with children and women walking hand in hand at the plaza. I actually feel safer here than in the states. Yes, there is room for improvement but it is amazing how the people do with what they have and make the most of it. One of my projects in Mexico has been to help out the Huichol doing presentations with all proceeds going to the village. There are many villages that don’t even have a well or bathrooms. I have found in Mexico if you don’t get drunk, do drugs and stagger home late at night there are no worries. Most problems come by making bad choices. Your odds are a lot better here staying safe however than most major US cities.

If you take a look at what is happening in America the white-collar crime is epidemic. As you move up the ladder of power and wealth it gets darker and darker in most cases. Hollywood, the music industry, politics, industry, where it often ends up in elite rituals, sexual predation including pedophilia. This includes Satanic ritual and child sacrifice.

The fluoride, the chemtrails and project mockingbird are working.
For those who do not know what chemtrails are, search geoengineering and the NASA Papers.

It is time to take the blinders off end the denial and address these issues. Not addressing them allows them to flourish. Draining the swamp includes all the fore-mentioned. For those who have been following the Russian collusion investigation it doesn’t get any more insane or fraudulent. Unfortunately, the cognitive dissonant, integrity-challenged lame stream media and their mind controlled following (often referred to as the liberal left) have no shame in continuing in this agenda. The fluoride, the chemtrails and project mockingbird are working. For those who do not know what chemtrails are search geoengineering and the NASA Papers. They actually name CNN as their chosen disinformation and mind control venue. I would also look into DEW, directed energy weapons concerning the California fires. Our hearts go out to those whose lives have been disrupted and lost their homes.

(This Saturday night on As You Wish Talk Radio I'll be interviewing Sharon Barrington, aka Nano Girl who has inside information on the geoengineering of many of these fires.)

Research who is funding the violence, the separation game and their past history in other countries.

They divided the countries, created social unrest to the point of social economic and environmental collapse then bought everything a penny on the dollar taking over their currency and natural resources often in the name of democracy. The despicable elite or what some call the cabal. They have funded both sides of every war since Napoleon creating most of them. The swamp are their hands and feet. For those who need it spelled out Antifa, Black Lives Matters, Open Boarders and a few others are their avenues of creating social unrest and separation. They prey upon past injustice and emotion to create division. Many are doing their bidding thinking they are doing the right thing in protest yet in truth they are serving the very people they are against. The source of the problems.

An example of how corrupt the Deep State is, in their attempts to take down the duly elected president, is the real crime.

credit: Oathkeepers

An example of how corrupt the deep state is in their attempts to take down the duly elected president is the real crime. Russia Collusion investigation ended up in Hilary and Bill's lap, along with Obummer and many on the special council members to investigate what? Russian collusion concerning selling 20% of American uranium to Russia receiving a 145 million dollar kick back. The vast majority of investigators, lawyers etc. are all Clinton sympathizers. Most have donated large sums of money to the Clintons and the Demoncratic party. A party replete with sexual predators, bribes and embezzlement. Almost all of them are dirty and they each know about each other’s dirty laundry. That is why they almost never get prosecuted for blatantly obvious crimes. This includes some republicans as well especially the rhinos. Now they are feeding on themselves spilling the beans on others to take the heat off themselves.

What I find so incredulous is not only are many of the FBI lead investigators anti Trump, many are also pedophiles, sexual predators pointing the finger at others caught in the act. This is why the military and the white hats have to step in. They also busted a major fetal body parts for sale and human trafficking operation directly tied to the Clintons. Pro-abortion for profit involving planned parenthood. This so incredulous most cannot comprehend or go into total denial when confronted with the truth.

I feel sorry for the misled and the ignorant but maybe they have a lesson in discernment and doing their own research before jumping on the band wagon to hell. Actually, that is a metaphor.

The latest scandal is Pelosi and Mueller having an affair.

The latest scandal is Pelosi and Mueller having an affair. If it is true it's like skull and bones meets skull and bones almost literally. Peter Strozk, the man who changed the wording to give Hillary a get out of jail free card for the obstruction of justice, lying to congress, destroying evidence, etc., during the email scandal, the one who hand delivered the fake Russian dossier was also caught having an affair with another investigative lawyer, Yates sending her anti Trump emails. Strozk was the lead investigator with a vendetta and a sorted past. The whole investigation into Russian collusion has turned out to be a 7 million dollar nothing burger, a terrible waste and now is moving into criminal activity on the part of the council which could easily be defined as, “treason”. The swamp is being drained, the sexual predators and pedophiles are dropping like flies and the ones screaming the loudest to impeach Trump are the ones who have the most to lose. They are all going down.

The enlightened Chinese Elders are major players backing the white hats in putting an end to the cabal. They have had apparitions of Quan Yin and other masters including contact with Pleiadians and other spiritually and technologically advanced beings. They have made it very clear it is time to release the humanitarian funds. Putin has also had contact and if there is any collusion with the Russians and China it is about ending the cabal. I can talk about this now because it is now all over the internet. I have said repeatedly the GRV cannot happen until the round up. It is totally irresponsible to allow billions, trillions of dollars to get into the hands of the dark hearts. There have been many false starts and promises made in error but we are close.

The latest information confirms the Marines loyal to Trump have taken over the CIA and FBI headquarters and now have actionable evidence regarding the coup and the dirty laundry used by top politicians and the agencies to bribe and blackmail the others. Checkmate. With now over 5000 indictments heads are going to roll and the swamp will be drained.

They have made it very clear it is time to release the humanitarian funds. There have been many false starts and promises made in error but we are close.

What we are seeing is the effect not the cause. The cause is the earth evolving, rising in frequency.

She is being assisted on high by the source itself, God/Creator/Great Spirit whatever name you want to give it. I say it because it is not the bearded gods of the past, it’s the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse.

It is not alone. Masters, Saints and Sages, Ultradimensionals, Inner Earth beings, and our ancient ancestors are returning. The Grand Reset is underway and these are what many refer to as God's armies. The trans-dimensional war has already been won. Now the eradication or rehabilitation of the fallen ones, some negative ETs is well underway. The original intent was for Earth to be an Eden, a place where all life could evolve to its highest potential. It was terraformed many times by 12 major Star Nations with others later adding their DNA, plant and animal life. That is why geneticists cannot figure out why there is so much alien DNA on the planet and how it could have evolved naturally. It didn’t despite the brainwashing called scientism.

Enjoy the ride, we are
living in exciting times.

Enjoy the ride, we are living in exciting times, help has arrived and now it is time to devote our energies to creating Heaven on Earth and living under Universal Law.

For those who do not know what Universal Law is it is the principles and understandings for a healthy society and environment. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All.

It’s time to try something different.

Pass this on far and wide.

Be Well,
James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.

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