
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: The Dangers of Being an SSP Whistleblower

Emery Smith and David Wilcock

David Wilcock and Emery Smith
Cosmic Disclosure:
The Dangers of Being an SSP Whistleblower

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. And here again with me is Emery Smith.

Emery, thank you for being here. I really appreciate it.

Emery Smith: You're welcome, Dave. Thanks for having me.

David: One of the things that we have talked about on Cosmic Disclosure greatly is this idea of a Secret Space Program. We haven't really covered that yet.

Now, you have confirmed the existence of reverse-engineered craft, so one would conclude, or one would be thinking to conclude, that if we have craft that are essentially space-faring vehicles that came here from other solar systems, or maybe even other galaxies, and we can build those, that we would then be able to leave Earth and potentially settle somewhere else.

So do you have any direct briefings or knowledge about that aspect of what may be going on?

Emery: Well, there is [are] laws out there, and there is a type of federation involved, from what I was briefed on.

And it's not a “you can just go . . .” Just like you can't just go from here to Europe without a passport, and a couple of weapons, by the way. So this is also applied to intergalactic travel.

So, yes, we do have the ability to “take ET home”.

David: As Ben Rich says.

Emery: As Ben Rich said. But the ability to actually do it is another story until we start behaving a little bit more proper here on the planet Earth and with evolving our consciousness and stop killing each other, which they all understand – extraterrestrials – because they were here, at one time, themselves.

So getting back to your question, yes, we have these craft. Yes, they are anti-gravity, and they can travel through space, but they're not interdimensional yet, that I'm aware of . . .

David: Okay.

Emery: . . . so I've not been briefed on that. I know of people [who] say they do have this, but I'm not aware of it – of the craft.

So they're just using special propulsion units and other means to create a gravitational force for these devices.

A lot of the military devices we have out there, I mean, such as planes and helicopters, those are already installed in these special jet fighter craft.

So what's the best way to hide something is don't change the . . . because it doesn't matter what shape it's in. But that could be an actual spacecraft.

David: One of the things that Pete Peterson has shared with me is that there are a lot of new crafts that we've seen in various movies, like “Avatar”, like “Edge of Tomorrow”, in which they have turbo fans on them, which sometimes move. And he said that our Naval ships have all been loaded with these covertly at this time, and that eventually, once they roll out anti-gravity, that the jet engines or the propellers will be replaced with anti-gravity engines.

I'm curious if you've heard anything like that.

Emery: No, I haven't. I have seen different types of schematics for newer craft and ships and for the Navy and Air Force, and whatnot, that do show more of an anti-grav type situation, but not manipulating the current force, because I believe they already have these ready to go. They're just kind of sitting somewhere. And they already have it.

It's just I don't know where it's at, or who did it.

David: Okay. Another aspect . . . which it's a real shame that we couldn't get you on camera with William Tompkins – he's now deceased – but you have said to me that you have some insider friends who are around Tompkins' age, or maybe a little younger, who might be willing to come forward.

So do you think that maybe with you coming out on this program that this will help to set a trend where some others will now be able to come forward as well?

Emery: Absolutely. I mean, that's why one of the main reasons was to come out was to basically help other people and inspire them to come out and talk and feel free to talk about some of the things they did with the projects, anything from energy to the extraterrestrials to medicine to all these fantasmical, amazing devices and things.

I think by being here, I'm hoping to inspire them, after they see this, to come forward. And I'm going to personally ask them myself to please come forward, or at least invite them to entertain it, or even have a private meeting with you and other people, if they don't want to show their face.

David: Well, and as you've seen, once . . . because I've interviewed so many insiders, once we start talking, all these things pop up.

Emery: Right.

David: And I might have heard something 15 years ago that I'll remember when somebody else tells me the same thing, or something very similar.

Emery: Correct. Right.

And that's what's so interesting, is to know that you worked on a project for so long and had no idea that this person also was working on a similar project halfway around the world.

David: Right.

Emery: And you can actually exchange information finally, freely, without being scared to do so. And just like some of the stuff I explained to you, you already knew some of this stuff.

David: Right.

Emery: And you knew I had . . . We've never even talked about it.

David: Right.

Emery: So for me, it's even a great confirmation, for me, to know that there's others out there that have spoken to you about these amazing technologies and places, especially the places, which blow me away.

David: Like the fact that Ecuador and Antarctica have very similar stuff.

Emery: Yes.

David: Yeah, and I've never said that to anyone . . .

Emery: Wow!

David: . . . and we just had it happen on camera.

I'm curious about whether you, through briefings or through maybe some of the insiders that you personally know, not including the people we've interviewed on Cosmic, are you aware of there being outposts on the Moon or Mars that we use with these back-engineered craft that we have?

Emery: You know, Dave, I've seen and heard a lot, but I don't have firsthand experience to say I was definitely in that spot.

David: Okay.

Emery: I may have been and not known it. But yes, I concur there's something going on there, and that there is some sort of a base set up there, of course, because that goes back to the other stuff I used to work with, with the portals and the other things, that you and I discussed.

Because you never know where you might be, but I did hear many of these stories that you have. But I was never on a briefing, by the way, that specifically said, “We have a base here or a base there.”

I've just read a lot of classified documents from other people like me that were involved with that, so it was secondhand information.

David: If you have heard secondhand information, I'm hoping we can get a little more specific, because more than one insider – I think maybe five different insiders – have told me – and this would include Corey Goode as just one of them, and there were others well before I ever started to talk to him about this stuff – saying that, in fact, the majority of the solid planets and the solid moons in our Solar System have at least some degree of outposts on them now . . .

Emery: Yes.

David: . . . that we can use.

Emery: Yes.

David: So have you heard scuttlebutt like that?

Emery: Yes.

David: Okay. Could you be a little more specific?

Emery: Well, when you say “outpost”, it means a place to get to and go to. And it's usually not on the surface of that planet, so you know.

David: Okay.

Emery: It's on the inside of the planet, and they're using some sort of portal technology and craft to get back and forth from these places, when it is safe to.

David: So some of the rumors that you've heard, like, for example, let's talk about Mars. Have you heard rumors of there being, perhaps, in some cases, very large bases that might even have 200,000 people working at them on Mars?

Emery: Yes, I have heard that.

David: Okay.

Emery: Yes, I've definitely heard that. And it's kind of a known thing. It's kind of actually a joke in the underground.

David: What would be funny about it?

Emery: Well, you just never . . . Like we were talking about earlier, when you're on a conveyor belt going somewhere, going through energy systems, and then you wind up underground somewhere, and it feels different, like even the atmosphere feels different, what's not to say that they're using these things, and people don't know that they're actually on Mars working there?

David: Well, that's what you and I started to talk about . . .

Emery: Right.

David: . . . after we had described your travel through Sandia into this base where you did the autopsy. I started scratching my head after we did that interview, because you hadn't told me that part before.

Emery: Uh-huh.

David: But others had described the exact same hall as being a portal, and that when you start at the beginning, you're in one place, and at the end, you're in another.

And then I'm thinking, why would they waste 10 or 15 minutes of your shift having you sit on a gondola?

Emery: Right. Yeah.

David: Because they have fast sub-shuttles, right?

Emery: Oh, my goodness, yeah. They have the maglev tubes and the trains and stuff like that.

David: Right.

Emery: But this is a little different. This is like what we talked about.

Yeah, I don't know, but you did open me up to a lot of other questions now that you said that, . . .

David: Right.

Emery: . . . because many other people have also expressed – that worked on these projects – that they felt different from where they THOUGHT they were. And now it makes a little bit more sense.

I never was thinking that, because I was so young at the time and wasn't as educated as I am now about all the stuff they DID have at that time.

David: Well, part of what occurs to me is that if you are potentially, as you said in previous episodes, autopsying potentially multiple bodies in one day, and they're all different. And we're going to get a lot more into that, and how they're different, and what they look like, in future episodes, because you're one of these insiders who's got a very complex testimony that's not going to be done in one or two half-hour episodes at all.

So if we are looking at all of these bodies – you yourself had 3,000 – how many other rooms do you think there were in this Sandia base, where other guys like you were doing the same thing you were doing? Could you speculate perhaps?

Emery: It would have to be, if I look at the levels, five, seven and eight were the levels that were medical for this type of thing.

David: Okay.

Emery: And each one of them had over 300 of these operating rooms.

David: Wow!

Emery: Yeah.

David: So you're looking at over 1,000 operating rooms just in this one base alone?

Emery: I believe so, yeah.

David: Wow! And so that would imply that if you . . . And over how many years did you see 3,000 bodies on the job?

Emery: Oh, my goodness, that was from August of '92 to '95 of June, so probably three years.

David: Basically three years.

Emery: Three years, yeah.

David: So that's like basically 1,000 bodies a year.

Emery: Well, it's tissue samples, not all bodies, remember?

David: Okay. But just to stick with that number for a minute, we could then say that one base alone, and that would be providing it's only one base, which it obviously is not . . .

Emery: Right.

David: . . . that they could be processing over a quarter million different extraterrestrial species on autopsies per year.

Emery: Well, if you did the math, and you were counting each sample as one species, yes. But it could be many samples from one species for a whole wing of 50-unit rooms.

David: Right. It could be a bunch of guys like you doing it.

Emery: But yes, if it was per species, it would be that many.

David: So to extrapolate, if NASA is now saying 40 billion watery, Earth-like planets just in our Milky Way galaxy alone . . . and they kind of slipped that under the radar. I mean, most people haven't even realized that that came out.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: The Dangers of Being an SSP Whistleblower Click Here

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