
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

QAnon Corroborates Hawaii Missile Attack and Hunt for Rogue CIA Submarine

By Dr. Michael Salla

QAnon Corroborates Hawaii Missile Attack and Hunt
for Rogue CIA Submarine

On February 11, the anonymous whistleblower “QAnon” posted information that corroborates claims that a false flag ballistic missile attack was launched against Hawaii on January 13, and that a submarine linked to the CIA is currently being hunted by the U.S. and other regional military forces.

QAnon has quickly grown in popularity since first appearing in late October, 2017 discussing the “coming storm” of revelations, document dumps, trials, events, etc., linked to Trump White House pledges to “Drain the Swamp”.

Today QAnon has an estimated audience of millions who closely follow his/her posts. Major media sources such as Newsweek have published highly critical stories attempt to dismiss QAnon as just the latest incarnation of unsubstantiated right wing conspiracy theories.

QAnon’s cryptic style of communication involves questions, links, photos, acronyms and codes, which are used as breadcrumbs for the reader to learn about highly classified efforts underway by White Hats in the government/military opposed to Deep State corruption and human rights abuses in the U.S. and around the world.

The most telling official document that substantiates QAnon’s claims to date is an extraordinary Executive Order passed by President Trump on December 21, 2017 declaring a national emergency and freezing the financial assets of anyone involved in human rights abuses and corruption anywhere around the world.

The mainstream media has strangely ignored Trump’s “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Abuse or Corruption”, and its deep significance, especially given what QAnon has previously stated. If Trump’s Executive Order was indeed targeting the Deep State, it’s not surprising that it would provoke a strong reaction by powerful groups suddenly cut off from their financial assets.

That’s where the ballistic missile alert on the morning of January 13 in Hawaii becomes relevant. As discussed in three previous articles (see here, here and here), there have been a number of whistleblowers, witnesses and analysts who have all said the missile alert was genuine, and not a false alarm at all, as public officials contend.

QAnon followed the Hawaii missile alert the next day warning about an upcoming week of false flag attacks by the Deep State. This implied that the Hawaii incident was part of a series of false flag attacks, and not a false alarm.

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with important links, images and video Click Here

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