
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Subterranean Secrets of Humanity

David Wilcock and Emery Smith
Cosmic Disclosure:
Subterranean Secrets of Humanity

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, and I am here with Emery Smith, continuing our fascinating discussion into underground civilizations.

Emery, welcome back.

Emery Smith: Well, thanks, Dave. I can't wait to get into this one.

David: So one of the things that I'm curious about, because there's a lot of light bulbs going off in my head right now, we have the crash site in Antarctica that we've already talked about before.

Emery: Right.

David: You said there's a very massive . . . You confirmed independently, a very massive mothership there . . .

Emery: Yes.

David: . . . that we've been studying for how long?

Emery: As far as I know, through these scientists, 24 years.

David: Okay. And we have some kind of connection between that wreckage and the underground civilization that you described in Ecuador, . . .

Emery: Yes.

David: . . . which you said is actually . . . started maybe as a craft, but then it got built out or something?

Emery: Yeah. I think the energy of the craft must have stimulated . . . must have had also organisms on it, or bacteria, because it changed the inside of the cavern into a different atmosphere, even.

And the creatures that are down there and the plant life and stuff is completely different than the surface. And they have taken creatures out of there, brought them to the surface, and they instantly died.

David: Can you breathe the air without an apparatus?

Emery: Yes. It's the cleanest air. I felt great down there, actually. And they've already tested it over and over and over.

This is a new find, by the way, that I'm aware of.

David: Just to recap this Ecuador thing briefly, one of the pieces of intel we got from Pete Peterson, he talked at great length about how the ship in Antarctica had . . . that when you lived in the place in the ship, that you had your own yard. And there was like a filtration system of, like, from the bathroom, from your shower, from the toilet, that would go in and feed this garden.

And so obviously, this was buried under the ice, and so everything was destroyed.

But now what you're telling me about Ecuador makes me wonder if maybe the vegetation in THAT ship in your own yard would have looked similar.

Emery: Interesting.

David: What would your thoughts be on that?

Emery: Yeah. I think there's a definite correlation between that and there. These are two completely different environments, of course, now, so I would expect different things to happen chemically. But that's still open for observation.

I know they have a really good team down there, and they're not mistreating it and just chopping it all up and taking it all out. So we'll see what happens.

David: Now, another thing that has all kinds of light bulbs popping off in my head is that the oldest of the Antarctica wreckage that I've heard about, from more than one source, is, apparently, 33-feet-tall giants.

Emery: Oh, yes. Yes.

David: Have you heard anything like that?

Emery: Yes, I've heard about that.

David: Okay. What did you hear specifically?

Emery: That there was a lot of other sarcophagi and a lot of other extraterrestrials, bodies down there, that were over 30 feet tall that they have already found excavated. Some were removed. Some were not, of course.

They're trying to build a story now behind everything and slowly release it to the public in a very calm way, because it goes against, of course, all the stuff that we've been brought up to believe as far as where we come from and religion.

So they're going to just slowly seep these things out.

One of the amazing things that we found at this other place that we were talking about earlier . . .

David: In America?

Emery: . . . in America, was a 33-foot being inside a sarcophagi in a state of stasis.

David: Really?

Emery: So this is kind of a pre-Adamite-type being we believe. And, of course, the pyramids are nearby. That empty block cube-rooms are nearby.

The five acres of white-powdered gold is nearby, and this is where the steps descend down into the hollowed out meteorite, or whatever you want to call it – the hollowed out Earth rock that is suspended mass around an aquifer.

David: Right. So regarding stasis beings, we have heard from Corey, some of the most recent briefings he got, and I believe Peterson had this too, that they found stasis beings that were 500,000 years old in the earliest Antarctica city of the . . .

You know, there's a very, very ancient one.

Emery: Right.

David: It's over a billion years old, apparently, but then the recent one of 500,000 years ago had this EXACT same thing you just described. So that is amazing.

Did you hear about similar stasis beings in Antarctica? I'm curious.

Emery: No, I did not. No, I did not hear about any stasis beings that were in Antarctica. They did not talk about that.

And there's many teams, just so you know.

And this team was only a team of four scientists.

David: Really?

Emery: There's thousands of scientists on this project down there that work for different governments and our government, and that are trying to cover up things and keep things also preserved.

And as I said, I don't believe the craft actually crashed there either. I really think the craft actually was there and just stayed there. And whatever happened happened at that time, whether it was a cataclysmic event or whatnot.

David: Right.

Emery: And now, the snow is melting, and Earth is going to be the Full Disclosure. Ha, ha.

David: Ha, ha. When we're looking at Antarctica being such a subject of interest, one of the insiders I spoke to said that there was a dark agenda, to some degree, for disclosing Antarctica.

They felt that it would be able to create a religious war.

Just speculating, . . .

Emery: Yes.

David: . . . why do you think that might be?

Emery: Well, everything down there is just going to destroy organized religion as we know it.

David: Why do you think it would?

Emery: Because they have found tablets and information and intelligence down there that's proving the history of Mars and the Moon and the history of this area of the universe. I'll say this area of the universe.

And they're starting to decipher it now.

So that being brought up would cause, probably, a huge conflict. And that's what they're worried about is us misbehaving because of our religious beliefs.

David: Right. So, it doesn't necessarily mean that Jesus was fake or Moses was fake or Muhammad was fake.

Emery: Oh, no. You're right. All these avatars have lived here and have been here and have been these amazing gods and people.

What's going to happen is, if they did bring up everything, it just . . . Let's just say the stories that are being told are not completely told to the full extent. There's gaps and things that are missing, and this will fill all those gaps.

And it's like an unfinished book with ALL the religions.

David: Wow!

Emery: So this will fill in all those loose gaps, and every one actually will come correct.

But of course, I'm sure some will not. Some maybe won't believe it.

To believe something your entire life and then have an archaeologist bring something up to the surface that says something different, it could cause some turmoil in the world.

David: So you're saying that this massive boulder that was found somewhere in America at an undisclosed location has remains of giants in it.

Emery: Yes, correct.

David: And could you explain a little bit more. You mentioned armor. You mentioned skeletons.

Emery: A lot of skeletons and armor, lots of gold and silver, and the old medieval-type treasure stuff that you would find, lots of coins, lots of pots full of coins.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Subterranean Secrets of Humanity
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