
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Kosta Makreas: 3 Extraterrestrial Contact Retreats in 2018

Kosta Makreas:
3 Extraterrestrial Contact Retreats in 2018
Mt. Shasta, CA; Bloomington, IN; Joshua Tree, CA

From: Kosta Makreas

Have you ever wanted to join a group of like-minded people from all over the world as they make sky and ground contact with the advanced Star Civlizations visiting our Earth?

Then come join me for 6 days of E.T. Contact at an ETLetsTalk retreat in 3 locations this year!

You'll learn how to enhance your psychic skills for better ET Contact and an effective protocol to connect and interact with our Star Friends. You'll make new friends and enjoy laughs. You will experience new discoveries and sometimes dramatic experiences under the stars.

Register here for any retreat:

..and as you register on the web page scroll down to WATCH an actual VIDEO of 2 STAR SHIPS HOVERING AND SIGNALING TO US at the 2017 Joshua Tree retreat! Never made ET Contact before? We’ll show you how. Bring your attitude of goodwill, love, and an open mind. 6 days & nights of Cosmic Adventure await you at 3 great locations:

      Mt. Shasta, CA: June 10 to June 15
      Bloomington, IN: Sept. 9 to Sept. 13
      Joshua Tree, CA: Oct. 7 to Oct. 12

Come join our seriously-fun group under the stars.

During the 3 previous 2017 retreats we made successful sky and ground ET contact every night which thrilled our group. New friendships were formed, psychic ET Contact skills were improved, and we communicated with Star Craft and the Beings which piloted them.

For example, at our Joshua Tree retreat in October, 2017 we captured video of 2 huge Star Ships hovering and signaling near us in the nearby Joshua Tree mountains on one night. Two nights later another Star Ship hovered and signaled for a half-hour and sent us a telepathic message. We believe it was about 600-feet in length. Also in June, 2017 at the Mt, Shasta retreat a Star Ship hovered and signaled for a half hour from only 1/2 mile distance.


At each 2018 ET Contact retreat location:

1. Meet up with others for 6 days to learn how to make ET Contact

2. Enjoy ET CONTACT every night on the ground, in the sky & in creative     ways

3. Receive informative lectures by Kosta (“The People’s Disclosure     Movement” and more)

4. Experience educational classes by professional Clairvoyant Teacher Hollis     Polk that will enhance your ET Contact by increasing your psychic skills.

5. Participate in Opening Day Circle of Introduction to “Meet and Greet”     your fellow Cosmic Explorers

6. Enjoy Opening Night Fun with an informal stimulating group dinner

7. Learn from others in Daily Afternoon group sharing and socializing circle

8. Revel in mid-week “free” day to explore the area followed by a group     picnic in the late afternoon

9. Make Amazing, Fun, & Enthusiastic new friends from the global     ETLetsTalk Community

10. Luxuriate in Personal Time each day to nap, hike, swim, shop, dine,       meditate and more


The retreat tuition is $425 - a fraction (only 17%) of the cost of other ET Contact retreats that charge as much as $2500 for the same experience! Attendees pay their own travel, food and lodging.

Our ETLetsTalk Community of 17,000 people in 100+ countries has been a vibrant, groundbreaking force since 2012.

This is one of the most beautiful experiences I can offer all of you who have been supporters of this ETLetsTalk mission.

I want to meet you and your friends and to thank you!

Come join me and your fellow Cosmic Explorers at our retreats.

Love and Blessings,

Kosta Makreas

Founder: "The Global CE-5 Initiative" ET Contact events (our 8th year) & ETLetsTalk Community
"The People's Disclosure Movement"

Facebook: CE-5,UFO,SIRIUS People's Disclosure GCE5 Initiative Universal Prayer

    Twitter: @etletstalk_km

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