
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Viewer Questions 13: A new Future for Humanity


David Wilcock and Corey Goode
Cosmic Disclosure:
Viewer Questions 13:
A new Future for Humanity

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I'm here with Corey Goode, and we have had so many conversations and questions that have arisen on Corey's fascinating update that we've covered in previous episodes that we decided to just answer your questions in one episode because there's so many of them.

Well, Corey, welcome back to the show.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: The first question is:

“Could you please clarify the advantages and disadvantages of having our Solar System's Outer Barrier removed? Does this mean, for example, that beings like the Dracos could now just come and go as freely as they choose?”

Corey: Yes, it was communicated to me that with the Barrier down now the Portal System was completely open, that beings can come and go through the Portal System, but that that is extremely monitored, heavily monitored.

They can tell by the electrical feedback of a jump from one place to another, how many hops you took, how many connections you hit, before you ended up at your final location. And they can track you down.

They said that whoever DOES escape through the Portal System will be on the run for the rest of their lives because there are no real safe havens around anymore for the negative groups.

David: Now you've mentioned before the Draco kind of have a big enclave in our Solar System, so is this a major defeat for them once this Solar Flash takes place if they're trapped in here?

Corey: Well, before the Solar Flash, they're ALL going to go like into a stasis or one of these temporal bubbles where they hide out until after this energy passes through our Solar System for over a thousand years. And then they plan on coming back out and reasserting their authority.

But it is going to be OUR duty to go down and root them out once this Solar Flash occurs.

David: Okay. So the next question we have is, someone said:

“Sigmund says to you, 'Intuitive empath, my ass'.” And the person said, “I think he was implying that you are not an intuitive empath. Could you explain exactly what he was thinking from that statement?”

Corey: Yeah, he was definitely implying that my intuitive hit was incorrect.

David: So did he have some implicit assumption that intuitive empaths should be this amazing psychic who's always right?

Corey: Yes. He was basically under the impression, “You're supposed to be psychic. You should know everything.”

David: Right.

Corey: You know, there's a reason they'll use three of us in a situation to triangulate. It's because none of us, even when we're enhanced with these serums, are 100% accurate.

David: Right. Next question we have says:

“Ultimately, the Draco are just pawns of this AI that is actually manipulating them. So if the AI is really responsible for all of this, and it still isn't being defeated when the Draco are defeated, then how do we know that we're not just going to become slaves of the AI?”

Corey: Well, part of this process is that when a series of Solar Flashes occur after the Sun comes out of what it's in now, Solar Minimum – which is about 11 years it stays in Solar Minimum – they expect when it pops out, it's going to do so in a spectacular fashion, that there are going to be a number . . .

And while it's in minimum, they expect some flashes as well. Some have already occurred.

And this series of Solar Flashes is going to be basically like an EMP to the Artificial Intelligence. All of the technology that it inhabits will be destroyed, and the AI signal will not be able to permeate our region of space because of this energy that is emanated from the Sun as feedback from the Cosmic Web.

David: How do we avoid being destroyed by the loss of our technology if that is to happen?

Corey: It will be a rough time. People will be . . . There will be a loss of life. There will be some bad things that occur, but that's going to be the point to where a lot of these breakaway civilizations that break positive for us, after all this happens, they're going to see that as an opportunity to bring down all of these advanced technologies to everyone on the planet at the same time and not just give it to a few elite countries and let it filter down to the rest.

David: So are there radiation-hardened technologies that will be able to withstand this Solar Flash and will still be operational after it happens?

Corey: They think that they have some of their technology shielded enough, but from what I've been told, no matter how far you go down in the Earth, it's going to penetrate.

David: But they do feel that they can release technology after this happens that we'll be able to use?

Corey: Yes.

David: Interesting. A similar question that occurs to me right now is:

“If the AI is essentially EMPed by, as you've said, the final of a series of Solar Flashes – it's the biggest one in 10 or 11 years from now – what prevents that AI from just immediately zipping back in on these photons that you say have the AI signal in them?”

Corey: After the thousand years, that signal will come back into our Solar System. We will just have a different type of technology developed out, and we will be aware of the AI threat, and we'll be able to mitigate it.

David: So it is, essentially, everywhere, but we're just like . . . It's like an immune system learning how to have antibodies to fight this.

Corey: Right. The AI signal's being broadcast from many different galaxies all around us. There's no hiding from it.

David: Next question is:

“William Tompkins urged us to get involved. How do you think we should get involved if we want to defeat the Draco and heal our society?”

Corey: It pretty much goes to each individual. Each individual has to do the personal work to make sure that they don't have karmic entanglements.

And we need to start focusing our intent, or our co-creative consciousness, on a positive outcome.

The more of us that do that, the easier it will be for us to attain a positive outcome.

And right now, we're seeing what Tear-Eir called the Great Awakening occur on our planet.

David: Well, “focus our intent” is sort of a general term. Could you maybe get a little more specific about what would “focusing our intent” look like?

Corey: It's just as simple as it sounds. Focus your intention and energy – thought energy – on a positive future for humanity and outcome.

The secret of their black magic is being able to drop some morbid details or ideas on us about a cataclysm or something that will happen.

They'll drop that into our consciousness and a lot of times what occurs is that we make it happen through our co-creative consciousness. We're manipulated.

David: So in a sense then, we have the power to steer this however we want.

Corey: We always have had the power. We've just been kept ignorant of it.

David: So why do the Draco then seem so compelling in what they're doing? If they're only doing what we allow them to do, why have they been so successful?

Corey: Because we've allowed them to do it. You know, we've given some sort of tacit agreement by not fighting it and by allowing ourselves to be manipulated.

David: If the Blue Avians said to you that we should get off of our knees, did they get more specific as to exactly what that means – that specific motif of standing up off of your knees?

Corey: Yeah. It means that we've been programmed as a species to be watching for someone or something to come and save us.

That is a part of the programming that keeps us ignorant of our co-creative abilities.

Once we realize our co-creative abilities, we realize we don't need a savior. We are the ones that we've been waiting for.

David: Very interesting. Okay, next question we have is:

“In order to really get rid of the Reptilians, do we have to wait for the Solar Flash to happen?”

Corey: Yes. To root out the last of them, yes, because that's when they're going to into their little stasis areas to hide out, and they won't be able to come out because of the energies. It's putrid to them. They can't handle it.

And it'll be like shooting fish in a barrel, I'm told.

David: Next question we have is someone said:

“I'm wondering to get a little bit of clarification on this. Humanity's cosmic family – this was your quote – 'humanity's cosmic family will come in and assist us in raising us to the next level of human evolution and growth.' So could you specify what is the cosmic family? What is the next level of growth?”

Corey: Well, the cosmic cousins are family. They are human beings almost exactly like us, just different types, that have already gone through this process.

And what is going to happen is that after the Super Federation is fully disbanded, they are going to bring these local 52 star cluster inhabitants, representatives, to that Super Federation facility to interact with us and help us be advisers, advise us through going through the rest of the process.

David: The question also mentioned genetic growth as well as spiritual growth.

“So how would humanity's cosmic family assist us genetically at that point?”

Corey: They assist us with the beginning of taking over our own genetic program.

What that entails, I don't know. But I received some information that after humanity finds out that there IS a genetic program going on and that we're a part of it, that we sort of rebel. We become extremely upset about it.

You know, we all think we're these beautiful sovereign beings. How do we then put that together with the fact that we're just lab mice to more advanced beings?

There's quite a cognitive dissonance issue that occurs. It's going to be a rough time.

David: Okay. The next question is:

“What is the nature of the classes that we are going through in dreams? Is this something akin to sitting in a class at school, or is it more symbolic in nature?

“How is this dream education exactly taking place?”

Corey: Well, from what I'm told, numbers of people are meeting in the same place etherically and are in classroom settings, to where at times, I've been used as an avatar to teach people – people that see me in their dreams in classroom environments all the time. That's been reported.

And I really have no memory. I always said they must be using me as an avatar, their higher self, or something like that.

But what I found out from the Blue Avians is that, indeed, we HAVE been doing a lot of this dreamwork with people and helping train people. It's a spiritual thing, a spiritual level.

David: So there are classes in some cases?

Corey: Right. Classroom environments is how people are perceiving this etheric event.

They're seeing . . . Their higher self is displaying it to them as them sitting in a classroom.

I really don't know exactly the setting etherically that is going on.

David: Well, I find it interesting, Corey, that in The Law of One, one of the most common terms they use for Ascension is “graduation”. And I've had myself many, many of these dreams about a graduation ceremony.

So do you think these graduation dreams could be part of the classroom ideas as well?

Corey: It could be, but the graduation that we're going to go through is a much bigger event. It's this Great Awakening.

David: Right. Okay, now we have a question about the galactic slave trade.

“With the fact that humanity has been traded off so extensively in this galactic slave trade, is the next big push in the battle of good versus evil going to be the war on slavery? And will those people that were extracted from here be returned to their homes?”

Corey: Yes. Now, we're already seeing a big war on human trafficking.

David: Right here on Earth.

Corey: On Earth.

David: Yeah.

Corey: Yeah, what occurs on Earth . . . There's a lot of human trafficking. It just really hasn't changed in the thousands of years that we think we've evolved. It's just as prevalent now.

But a good portion, over a million people a year, that are a part of this slave trade, are going off planet.

And as we've described, they're traded off for many, many different reasons.

What's been occurring for some time is that there have been operatives – SSP Alliance operatives – that have gone in, and I partook in this – I myself helped do this – they are tagging these victims as they're being sent off.

And at times, a number of them have been rescued and then brought to this planet that the Mayans control that is basically a healing planet, where they take people to heal. So that's already occurred.

What I'm told is that it's going to happen in mass. They're going to go, and they're going to find . . . I mean, there are going to be millions of people out there that were traded off that are going to be rescued and brought back to a planet for a number of years where they're going to be healed. All the trauma is healed.

And once they are to a certain point in their healing, they will be reintegrated with people on Earth.

But in the process, they will let people on Earth know that a loved one is in this program to be healed.

David: Okay, the next question is:

"You mentioned seeing a person on the LOC with a NASA badge, and this is not something we've heard before on 'Cosmic Disclosure' in any of your testimony.

"So could you please expound on the implications of seeing somebody in this, allegedly, simple program of NASA that's not supposedly involved in anything deeper?”

Corey: Recently, Emery and I were talking . . . and there is an Air Force space program and an astronaut school where they train astronauts. It's up by the Great Lakes somewhere.

And there are dozens of these astronauts, and they're the ones that serve on the Military-Industrial Complex space station and operate the triangle vehicles that service it.

David: Right.

Corey: So apparently they are allowed at LOC Bravo. And LOC Bravo is the only LOC that they know of.

They enter it from a totally different way, because we were . . . What we were told we couldn't discuss with the egghead-types, especially, where we had just come from – LOC Alpha.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Viewer Questions 13: A new Future for Humanity Click Here

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