
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Sheldan Nidle Update: Global Peace is About the Creation of a Better Reality

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

Each nation has an enduring obligation to provide its people with food, shelter, clothing, health care and a sustainable, pollution-free environment. Most importantly, they are charged with protecting the freedom and personal sovereignty of each citizen. These are every person’s unassailable rights.

Selamat Jarin! We return, dear Hearts, with much more to discuss with you! The ongoing struggle between Light and dark in this realm is approaching a crucial point. Many events in the past few weeks have created an opening for the Light. Indeed, the comprehensive strategy is to provide our Earth allies much-needed benefits. The inevitable defeat of the cabal continues. One cabal strategy after the other is falling away. As the cabal weakens, its membership diminishes. Meanwhile, the Light strengthens as the puzzle pieces fall into place that will ensure your freedom. Peace, prosperity and new governmental order are growing closer each and every day.

As you know, your mainstream media ignores most of the good works achieved by the BRICS countries and our Earth Allies. This moment in history is a transcendent turning point for you. The dark has controlled this reality for nearly 13 millennia. The reality in which you live is transforming gradually. Our Earth allies are working with extreme diligence to ensure that the wealth of your world is distributed to those who are deeply dedicated to the proper allocation of these funds for humanitarian projects.

Global peace is about the creation of a better reality. It is based on an organic network of consciousness, created by an ever-enlarging sense of self and initiated by the inner workings of the Light. The result of this burgeoning awareness is a multi-tiered system designed to energize cooperation, peace and cultural reciprocity. Each nation has an enduring obligation to provide its people with food, shelter, clothing, health care and a sustainable, pollution-free environment. Most importantly, they are charged with protecting the freedom and personal sovereignty of each citizen. These are every person’s unassailable rights.

As we have discussed in previous messages, you are being prepared for the activation of three new chakras: the "well of dreams" in the back of your head; the thymus, located in the upper chest above the heart; and the diaphragm, just above the solar plexus. These new chakras may begin with mild discomfort and the potential for flu-like symptoms, as well as headaches, periodic loss of balance, and body temperature fluctuations. Integration of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies is entering a new phase. The continual flow of higher frequencies bombarding the Earth at this time is accelerating the refinement and integration of your new 13-chakra system. These alterations to your physical body, which prepare you for our arrival, are to ‘switch on’ your natural telepathic abilities, making it much easier for us to streamline our interactions with you.

Greetings! We are your Ascended Masters!
We come this week to talk to you about Communion, which we define as the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when that exchange is on a spiritual level. Communion creates a sacred community of believers who maintain a common consciousness about themselves and their lives. It allows you to build a collaborative dynamic field designed to nurture each individual and the collective whole. Communion allows every participant in the group dynamic to nurture the potential of each member.

Members of this ever-growing community come together and discuss what their inner beliefs truly imply to the society as a whole. This spiritual accord frees you to renew who and what you are, and how you carry out your daily affairs with each other. As your shared consciousness grows, it produces an inner aura of support and spiritual relaxation. This shared energy dynamic further enlarges the consciousness field, allowing it to achieve its own full and unique potential. You can understand why Communion is such a significant step in the creation of your new galactic society.

This dynamic field enables an organic system to develop, enhancing innovative ways of community problem-solving. Communion involves a daily renewal of the many spiritual perceptions the individual and the collective graciously share with one another. One way to implement this is through ritual. However, Communion is more than simply a spiritual ritual. While for many, Communion may seem slightly out of place, to us, it is a practice that keeps the community in an ever-expanding and spiritually fulfilling practice. It is a holistic means of expanding your consciousness, of watching each member grow in new and powerful ways. When you intend the best for yourself and others, only the most positive events can inevitably manifest in your reality.

Today we discussed some of the situations that affect you. Momentous events are settling into place that will transfigure your world and, in doing so, turn it away from the horrors of the dark, toward the joys and graciousness of the Light. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Receive your monthly Galactic Activation...

Testimonial for Bach Music ~ Peace of Mind

“Your music is a blessing. My great niece died from sudden cardiac arrest and this week has been a horrible nightmare. I came home and turned on Star of Bethlehem, Agrimony, then Aspen (Al's music). It worked so well I was up half the night watching the full moon and reveling in the beauty of the play of light and earth. Thank you so much.” - J. Cozart

Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for May

As part of this Q&A Webinar, we will explore the benefits of the power of music to dissolve the symptoms of Ascension Syndrome – fear, sadness, anxiety, stress, the sense of being overwhelmed – that Lightworkers are experiencing.

By joining together each month as a group, we can significantly assist the GF in speeding up the necessary processes that will lead us towards full consciousness. As always, the Galactics will envelop Webinar attendees in activational energy.

To help us transition through this galactic growth spurt, we asked our friend, Al Harris, founder of Bach Flower music, to share his methods of balancing mental and emotional turmoil. Bach Flower Music is based on Dr. Edward Bach's 38 emotional remedies that have been successfully used for the last 70+ years.

Regularly, many of you contact us, expressing the following concerns:

• How can I alleviate ascension syndrome symptoms?
• I'm extremely anxious about the chaos in the world.
• Why do I cry for no explainable reason?
• How do I stop worrying about paying my bills each month?.
• What do I do when my family laughs at me or my Galactic beliefs?
• How can I stop fretting and get a good night's sleep?
• I hate my job, but need the money. What can I do?
• My life feels empty and without purpose.

During PAO's May Webinar we will address these questions, and any others you send in. And Al welcomes any questions you have about how music can help you patiently and calmly move forward on your life's path.

After you register for the Webinar please send your questions to:

About Bach Flower Music:

For a sneak preview of Bach Flower Music go to:

There is even a quick remedy finder you can use to find a remedy appropriate for your situation.

During this webinar, you will learn how to build your own music playlist to help you emotionally. If you wish to take advantage of the special frequencies in Bach Flower Music, PAO listeners will receive a special discount on all BF music.

Note: Discount ends July 1, 2018.

To order your Bach Flower Music downloadable MP3 files or a CD:
Click Here

Throughout the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording, augmented by video clips from Sheldan.

Sunday, May 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday May 27, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube.
(After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now! ~ This is going to be a stellar webinar!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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