
Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Cosmic Disclosure: Aliens and Vaccines

David Wilcock - Emery Smith and Corey Goode
Cosmic Disclosure: Aliens and Vaccines

David Wilcock: Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. here with Emery Smith and Corey Goode.

So, Emery, welcome back.

Emery Smith: Thank you, Dave.

David: And, Corey, welcome back to the show.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: So I thought that we would open this one out . . . we're going to be talking about xenobiology and some really interesting things having to do with the pharmaceutical aspects of that.

This is a story that is very strange.

So since 2000, I've been in contact with an insider who calls himself Walter Storch, among other names. And he has a website called

And he has a book on there with his conversations with a CIA insider named Robert Crowley. So the book is called, “Conversations with the Crow”, because in the CIA he was called “The Crow”.

Emery: Right.

David: Most of the stuff is pretty conventional-sounding insider politics, but then there's a really weird story about the CIA being called in after a woman got hit by a car.

And she gets brought to the hospital, and they put her body in the gurney in the hospital.

And they come back and they lift off the covering on the body, and it has turned into some kind of gel. It's like melted, basically, mushed out.

And the CIA was the first to be called, and they're doing an investigation, and then – he says in the book – Air Force personnel came in, said that the CIA did not have jurisdiction, kicked them out, took the material and left.

And it's just this odd thing, and they don't even believe in extraterrestrials, but they're like, “This is not a regular person”.


David: Yes!

Emery: And you know I know the answer to that.

David: Right.

Emery: It's just an amazing story, Dave. Thanks for sharing it with us.

You never even told me that story . . .

David: I know.

Emery: . . . so I'm really hyped now about how to . . .

David: Yeah!

Emery: . . . explain this jello. So what happens is this. While working in those projects in the underground labs, doing autopsies and working on these foreign tissues and extraterrestrial tissues and whatnot, some of the tissues they learned way before I got there – 20 to 30 years before I got there – they had a problem.

One of the doctors was working on an arm, actually. And after he worked on it, he put it in a bin, went in to storage for about four or five days.

They went to go back and get it and it was all goo. It was all gel – jello – just kind of disintegrated.

So this started happening on a consistent basis with extraterrestrials that were interdimensional, that could shapeshift, that were MUCH MORE advanced than regular extraterrestrials. So think like over 100 million years old for the advanced ones.

David: Hm.

Emery: And everything below that is just kind of a regular extraterrestrials. No offense. Ha, ha.

David: Ha, ha.

Emery: But they're still amazing. No, what I'm getting at is: it was a frequency problem going on where the extraterrestrials that are of this advanced state have a defense mechanism like our white blood cells fight viruses.

And this defense mechanism will not allow a human to acquire the genetic DNA of these beings, because we would probably use it for bad . . . for something not good.

So encoded in their DNA and into their genetic frequency is this program.

So if I were to go up to this being to try to operate [on] it, even fully gowned in a spacesuit, it would basically turn to gel because my frequency does not match it's frequency.

Even though it's dead, it still has frequency, which Corey can attest to. These beings can hold that up to 30 days to a year.

Corey: Right. Basically, their DNA is putting off a frequency while they're living that may be holding the molecules together even.

For the rest of Cosmic Disclosure: Aliens and Vaccines Click Here

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