
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

US North Korea Peace Talks Made Possible by USAF Secret Space Program

By Dr. Michael Salla

US North Korea Peace Talks Made Possible
by USAF Secret Space Program

On June 12 President Donald Trump meets with North Korea’s supreme leader, Kim Jong-Un in Singapore to resolve the confrontation over the latter’s nuclear weapons program. The on-off-on again meeting has been a surprise to many believing that the bellicose language used by both leaders throughout 2017 was a sure sign that a nuclear confrontation was inevitable.

During Kim’s January 1, New Year’s Day address, he had announced that North Korea’s nuclear weapons program was completed with the successful testing of a hydrogen bomb and an intercontinental ballistic missile, the Hwasong 15. North Korea was now capable of not only launching nuclear armed ICBM missiles into U.S. territories such as Guam and Hawaii, but was also capable of hitting the U.S. mainland.

On January 17, South Korea announced that a diplomatic breakthrough had been reached with North Korea. The two Koreas would march together at the upcoming February 9-25 Winter Olympics, and field a joint ice hockey team.

This was followed a few weeks after the end of the Olympics, by Kim Jong-Un’s March 6 offer to put his nuclear weapons program on hold and start candid talks with the U.S. Trump immediately accepted Kim’s offer, which had been mediated behind the scenes by senior South Korean officials.

Exactly why North Korea decided to reverse its bellicose policies, improve relations with South Korea, and enter into denuclearization talks after completing its nuclear weapons program has left many media sources puzzled.

One explanation is that the talks are solely due to warming ties between North and South Korea. Another is that North Korea is desperate for cash after years of punishing economic sanctions that have been very effective.

Some believe that Kim has launched the meeting merely to gain time and does not intend to follow through on any agreements reached at the talk. Yet another explanation is that Trump is setting Kim up for failure in order to justify military actions against North Korea which will scapegoated as the villan.

What multiple media sources have not considered is whistleblower testimonies revealing a deeper dynamic at play at the U.S. North Korea summit.

On October 7, 2017 Trump issued two tweets where he gave a stark warning about what his administration was planning for North Korea:

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with important links, videos and images Click Here

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