
Thursday, July 04, 2019

A Message From Sheldan Nidle

A Message From Sheldan

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
Yesterday Sheldan received a beautiful card and message from a long-time PAO member. The heartfelt message brought tears of Love to both me and Sheldan. We have been honored by so many of you during the past months and we want you to know that we appreciate everyone who has supported Sheldan's recovery and who resonates with PAO's mission.

I woke up this morning and Sheldan was at his computer. Inspired by the lovely letter we received, he wrote this thank you to all of you who follow and support PAO and Sheldan's recovery. Strangely, Sheldan's typing has greatly improved since his recent surgery. We won't question it...we will simply welcome it and be grateful.

Forever grateful,
Galactic Heart

Welcome friends and fellow Light Workers.
This is Sheldan giving you a buzz with a friendly Hello and gratitude for all the support you have shown me and PAO while I recover. Colleen often reads your many letters of praise and gratitude for the role I have played in your lives. This makes me very happy. This has been my mission and I am grateful for your acknowledgement. We are in this together.

My Galactic friends are here also and want to say Hello. I want to bring you some word on where my recovery now stands. It has taken a lot longer than I ever imagined to get as far as I now am. I am finally starting to type better since the DEW attack last October. I wish to sincerely thank all of you for your ever wondrous and most generous on going contributions to my healing. As you know I am not yet back to where I left off nearly a year and a half ago. Whew! What a year it has been for me!

Our Galactic friends tell me that we are getting ever closer to a most welcomed “end of the Trail”. They mean that this 3D reality is coming to a close as we vibrate higher to our 5D reality. Keep your spirits up. Our journey is about to take a quantum leap.

I have future plans for some revised and expanded books and even a return to the weekly updates. What I truly need is a short ride on what my dear Friend, Jared, calls a “Celestial Chamber”. This will leave me fully healed and ready to get back to “work”. At that point, I Intend to upgrade PAO, publish three new books and restart my lectures and videotapes. It feels good writing this to you.

May I end with a simple ZaZuMa! Thank you for your help in expanding my Galactic Mission. Till then it is Galactic Shel signing out and wishing you all much Love and Light.

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