
Saturday, July 06, 2019

Did a Flying Rectangle Shoot Down a Nuclear Ballistic Missile Aimed at Hawaii?

By Dr. Michael Salla

Did a Flying Rectangle Shoot Down a Nuclear
Ballistic Missile Aimed at Hawaii?

On July 3, 2019, a photo was released of a flying rectangle shaped UFO near the island of Maui that was taken over a year earlier, and only recently discovered by the photographer. What is remarkable about the photo is that it shows what appears to be a craft very similar to one photographed near MacDill Air Force base in October 2017, which was revealed by my Florida source, JP, to be a weapons platform used by U.S. Air Force Special Operations.

The similarity of the craft seen in the respective photos raises the intriguing possibility that the flying rectangle photographed near Maui may have been involved in the shooting down of a nuclear ballistic missile aimed at Hawaii on January 13, 2018, widely thought to have been a false missile alert.

First, here is the photo of the Maui rectangle along with an insert showing a close-up.

According to the photographer:
While driving up mount haleakala in maui i took this picture and didnt notice anything until weeks later when i was going over my vacation photos. the object was not seen live. the object was in only one frame, nothing before or after. unkown altitude but as you can see it was above the cloud line [sic].
For the rest of Dr. Salla's article with images, links and videos
Click Here

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