
Monday, July 19, 2021

Secret meetings near Jupiter decide the future of our Solar System?

By Dr. Michael Salla

Secret meetings near Jupiter decide
the future of our Solar System?

Three months before the collapse of Nazi Germany during World War II, the three great allied powers, the USA, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain, met at Yalta on the Crimean Peninsula to discuss the post-war order of Europe that would be based on the principle of national self-determination. According to a former professional archeologist and ‘contactee’, Elena Danaan, a similar set of meetings have just concluded near the planet Jupiter to discuss the new order in our solar system that will emerge with the impending military collapse of the Dark Fleet and its Draconian, Orion, Deep State, and corporate allies.

She says the Galactic Federation of Worlds met recently with the representatives of the Earth Alliance and an alliance of secret space programs in a set of 12 meetings to discuss the new order in our solar system. It’s worth pointing out that the existence of a Galactic Federation was recently acknowledged by the founder of Israel’s space program, Professor/General Haim Eshed, and he further added that it was working directly with the US Presidential administration of Donald Trump.

Furthermore, I have discussed the escalating military conflict between the Galactic Federation of Worlds with rival space coalitions—Dark Fleet, Draconian Empire, and Orion Alliance—in a prior article distinguishing between different galactic associations and their historical interactions.

Elena contacted me on July 17 with the dramatic news of the meetings that had been completed near Jupiter and the different nations that were involved through their respective space programs. She said the final meeting had concluded only a day earlier with an agreement being reached that would establish a multinational space alliance between the major Earth nations under US leadership.

This is what Elena wrote in her first email:
Agreements have been passed on Jupiter yesterday between the different progressive galactic coalitions and Terran military forces, to share the use and the protection of this star system, regarding to economic and military domains, in preparation for the future. Territories of action have been set. Terran Humans are officially taking ownership of their system. The US was the lead representative in these series of meetings; they were chosen by the GFW because of their abilities, resources, and goals, best able to guarantee a sustainable and glorious future for off-world humankind.

Long years of secret collaboration with the nations of Terra have come to completion, but we still need to bring closure to this war for the liberation of this system. Until then, we will need to work hard, and when this day comes, we will all be ready to step into a new era of fraternity and cooperation together.
What corroborates Elena’s remarkable claims here are the recent signings of the Artemis Accords among countries with functioning space programs. These are bilateral accords negotiated between spacefaring nations and the United States that were first signed on October 13, 2020, between the US and seven nations: Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article:

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