
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

We The People Are Fighting Back

By Sierra - A Light Warrior!

We The People Are Fighting Back

Oh my goodness. Check out the flooding in Germany in this video tweet. Heart breaking.

We the People are fighting back against the [D]eep [S]tate. This retired police officer at a London protest is onto it. Go him!
Here is video footage of the London protesters calling for the arrest of [B]oris [J]ohnson. They are showing the world that they have had ENOUGH.

The people of Greece have had enough too. Scroll down this news story for the video of a huge protest.

Allow the immense power of these people fighting back to seep into your weary Light Warrior heart.


Relentless Truth with another excellent summary of the Alliance war. Take the time to read. Great stuff.

Keeping people out of work, out of nature, socially distanced and masked when in public had nothing to do with the virus.

They were demoralization tools.

Humans seek fulfillment. When we don't work and we don't feel needed or that we're accomplishing something, depression begins to set in.
When humans aren't able to leave the confines of their home for days, weeks or even months at a time, depression begins to set in.
When humans aren't able to bask in the warmth of sunshine for days or weeks at a time, depression begins to set in.
When humans aren't able to see family or friends for days or weeks at a time, depression begins to set in.
When humans are forced to breathe their own recycled air like a muzzled animal everywhere they go, depression begins to set it. When humans are kept from getting their normal amount of daily activity for days, weeks or months at a time, depression begins to set in.

The most demoralizing part of wearing masks and social distancing?
No more smiles and no more physical connection.
Studies have shown that a baby who is otherwise taken care of, can die from a lack of human connection. This was never about a virus.
It was about crushing the collective soul of the entire planet and paving the way for the Great Reset.
A demoralized, divided and dumbed-down nation is ripe for a communist takeover. THAT is why We The People UNITED and AWAKE is [THEIR] biggest fear.
Billions of people are collectively taking a stand against tyranny and corruption. There is no better time to be alive.

A Light Warrior friend and I discussed what it will be like years from now, when our adult children or grandchildren ask us about our experience of this time.

I will say to them, 'It was bloody hard. I was lonely, isolated and felt at times that I would go crazy. But I NEVER considered walking away from the battle, not for a nano second. I knew with every fibre of my being that the truth would finally WIN. And I wanted to be part of the Victory of the most extraordinary war ever fought on this planet'.

Please leave your own thoughts on what you would say in the Comments section!

Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


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