
Friday, March 25, 2022

Nick Redfern Curious Cases of Human/ET Men in Black and Time Travel

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Nick Redfern Curious Cases
of Human/ET Men in Black
and Time Travel

COAST TO COAST AM - February 2022. Prolific author and researcher Nick Redfern discussed curious cases of Men in Black (MIB) visitations, and the possibility of time travel and the claims people have made. Albert Bender, who created a UFO research organization in the 1950s, was visited by a trio of MIBs, who warned him to leave the UFO subject alone. What's particularly intriguing about repeated encounters with the Men in Black is that witnesses have described them as not looking entirely human, with waxy skin and bulging eyes, Redfern detailed. Some even suspected they may have been aliens in disguise. The fact that MIBs sometimes show up just minutes after a UFO sighting suggests to some researchers that they are materialized near witnesses' locations, he commented.

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