
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Project Looking Glass: Area 51/S4

Image from article

Project Looking Glass:
Area 51/S4
(Level 4-2)

This article seeks to act as an informative introductory guide to disclosing Project Looking Glass.

This project surrounds a "looking glass device" that is located at Area 51/S4 (level 4-2) on what is known as "Alice's Floor". This device utilizes quantum technology enabling the user(s) to remote view the past or future using their consciousness to guide them. It is believed this device is how Q/QAnon, Trump, and The White Hat Military Alliance know every move the Deep State plans to make before they ever make it.

This technology allows The White Hats to plan ahead and expose the Deep State Freemasonic Illuminati Jesuit Khazarian Globalist Luciferian Cabal for their corruption and crimes against humanity, including depopulation via genetic biowarfare packaged as a COVID-19 mRNA injection. Equally, the Cabal has also accessed this technology and for that reason they know that no matter what they try to do to change the timeline to a negative timeline that they cannot stop the collective consciousness from raising its vibration, thus increasing discernment, also known as the Great Awakening. The following are design schematics, images, Q drops, and videos regarding the looking glass device located at Area 51/S4 (level 4-2).

For the rest of this article: Project Looking Glass: Area 51/S4 (Level 4-2)

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