
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Remote Viewing Ceres Super soldiers and Mars Insectoid War


Remote Viewing Ceres Super
soldiers and Mars Insectoid War

In early 2022, Tony Rodrigues published his book, Ceres Colony Cavalier, in which he described in detail his “20 and back” experiences as a slave, both on Mars as a military auxiliary fighting against indigenous insectoids and then serving with a German-led Dark Fleet. Rodrigues’ book came to the attention of Dr. Courtney Brown, who subsequently organized a remote viewing project to investigate two of the book’s core claims. The results greatly surprised Dr. Brown who concluded Rodrigues’ testimony was accurate and carried much significance for full disclosure.

First, a brief overview of Rodrigues’ story is appropriate. His traumatizing experiences began in 1981 when he was only nine years old and in 4th grade. Rodrigues was involuntarily recruited into a “twenty and back” program as punishment for something he did to one of his classroom peers. He publicly embarrassed the son of a high-level member of the Illuminati who used his influence to have Rodrigues covertly recruited. Rodrigues says that he was soon after abducted by three Gray aliens and one small Reptilian ET.

He was then genetically tested to determine what skills he possessed, which could be used in covert ‘support’ programs and eventually for one of the secret space programs once he got older. Ceres Colony Cavalier describes in detail how Rodrigues was subsequently manipulated, sexually abused, and humiliated as a slave used by different individuals and groups.

After briefly serving on Mars as a slave fighter for a mercenary military force protecting corporate bases from indigenous Martians—which included highly intelligent insectoids—Rodrigues says he was taken to Ceres, a planetoid in the asteroid belt. He worked at Ceres for 13 years with a German-led freighter crew that was part of the “Dark Fleet.” For more about Rodrigues’ experiences, check out my earlier interviews with him.

In setting up the remote viewing project to investigate Rodrigues’ core claims, Dr. Brown emphasized that it would incorporate blind scientific protocols. None of the four expert remote viewers knew anything about the targets or subjects being investigated. Nor did Dr. Brown contact Rodrigues or communicate with him.

The two targets for the remote viewing sessions were:

For the rest of Dr. Salla's article:

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