
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Update with Val Nek: Earth Alliance Antarctica Meetings and Space Fleet Training

Image from video

Update with Val Nek:
Earth Alliance Antarctica Meetings
and Space Fleet Training

In December 2021, senior members of the Earth Alliance, the Galactic Federation and the Orion Council gathered in Antarctica to make agreements unite the planet as countries federated under Universal Law. This is not be confused with the New World Order. Civilizations who have the intention to advance must come together united, under universal law. The Galactic Federation assisted the Earth Alliance leaders in creating these agreements and are similar to the Galactic Federation's Prime Directive. No members of the cabal were present and no deals were made for people who committed crimes against humanity.

Lunar Operations Command is being used as a training facility for pilots of the Earth Alliance. They are assisted by the Galactic Federation using Tesla technology, high frequency sound waves to assist with the assimilation of the information.

YouTube link:

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