
Friday, April 01, 2022

Is an Ancient Space Ark at Lake Vostok heating up Antarctica?


Is an Ancient Space Ark at Lake
Vostok heating up Antarctica?

On March 18, news emerged of a heatwave in East Antarctica, the epicenter of which was the Vostok region that sits atop a mysterious lake two miles under the ice sheet. Scientists are baffled by the heat surge of more than 70 degrees above average temperatures and are seeking answers. A likely explanation comes from two sources who say an ancient ark is buried under the ice sheet in the Vostok region, and its activation is heating up East Antarctica.

The Washington Post was the first to reveal the heatwave in East Antarctica. In a story titled “It’s 70 degrees warmer than normal in eastern Antarctica. Scientists are flabbergasted”, this is what was reported:
The average high temperature in Vostok — at the center of the eastern ice sheet — is around minus-63 (minus-53 Celsius) in March. But on Friday, the temperature leaped to zero (minus-17.7 Celsius), the warmest it’s been there during March since record keeping began 65 years ago. It broke the previous monthly record by a staggering 27 degrees (15 Celsius).
Antarctic scientists are baffled by the heatwave in late March since “Antarctica is losing about 25 minutes of sunlight each day,” according to what they told the Washington Post. Meteorologists reported a “heat dome” over East Antarctica and said, “[T]his is not something we’ve seen before.” Significantly, the Washington Post reports that there has been notable melting of the ice sheet in the region.

This takes me to the discovery of a large magnetic anomaly at one end of Lake Vostok as first reported in The Antarctic Sun on February 4, 2001. The anomaly’s size was 65 by 46 miles (105 by 75 km) according to scientific measurements. Veteran NASA researchers Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara soon after proposed the anomaly may in fact be a buried city.
Ground penetrating radar image of lake under Vostok base with magnetic anomaly

Since 2001, there have been multiple sources that claim they have visited or been briefed about an ancient city or large alien motherships buried under the ice sheets either at Lake Vostok or other areas in Antarctica.

What could be driving the heatwave and heat dome over East Antarctica? Is it connected to the magnetic anomaly at Lake Vostok two miles under the ice sheet?

While meteorologists struggle to give a conventional explanation, they admit to being baffled by what is happening. There is another non-conventional explanation for what is driving the heatwave in east Antarctica — a space ark buried under the Vostok region that has begun activating!

On March 29, I was contacted by Jean Charles Moyen, who is a French contactee and secret space program insider that I’ve interviewed previously for Exopolitics Today. Jean Charles is a filmmaker working on the sequel to his first “fiction based on fact” movie, South Shore Origin. In his email message, Jean Charles reported a teleportation experience first to Ireland, where he met Elena Danaan. He next went with her to a Galactic Federation of Worlds mothership in Earth orbit, and finally traveled to Lake Vostok, Antarctica.

Here is how he summarized it all:
Monday, March 28, 3:33 a.m. Here is what I experienced!!!
For the rest of Dr. Salla's article:

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