
Friday, April 01, 2022

Stargate Newsletter: Russian FM: NESARA Announcement...?

Russian FM: NESARA Announcement...?

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has made a declaration that could be considered an announcement of NESARA/GESARA. Boom.

A new reality is taking shape: the unipolar world is irretrievably receding into the past and a multipolar world is being born.
This is an objective process that cannot be stopped.
There won't be one single ruler in this new reality....
Nobody on Earth will be considered a second-rate player. All nations are equal and sovereign. (Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov)

Mainstream media TV news broadcast a story that the Pfizer jab was directly responsible for the deaths of two teenage boys. Expect more MSM companies to follow as they desperately try to cover their treasonous tracks.

The MSM is even warning people of the deadly risks of the [C]OVID home tests (Rapid Antigen Tests). They are back-pedaling fast on their Scamdemic propaganda.

Further evidence that the MSM is being forced to broadcast the truth - CBS reporting on the federal probe into Hunter [B]iden. The MSM treasonous house of cards is tumbling, never to be restored.

Speaking of treason, here is an old video of [F]auci advocating natural immunity INSTEAD of shots for the flu. Notice how the younger [F]auci does not resemble the current clone/body double in voice or appearance.

Finally, the push back against [B]iden is gaining momentum in USA. Love this gas station sign.
Do you notice a theme in this post...? The back-pedaling of the mainstream media. Their panic is so obvious, it is almost comical - or would be if their treasonous Scamdemic propaganda had not cost millions of lives around the world. As Q said, when humanity learns the TRUTH about the complicit media, governments and celebrities, 'these people will not be able to walk down the street'.

Pace yourselves, Light Warriors. Get plenty of rest and relaxation time. I spent the afternoon playing word games with my lovely friend Rhonnie. I am making extreme self-care a priority. Focusing on my mental and emotional health gives me the motivation and fortitude to write daily posts. Onward and upward...!


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light

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